Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Security Adapter Authentication > Siebel Security Adapters >

Requirements for Directory

You must provide your own directory product, whether it is one of the servers supported by Siebel security adapters or another directory of your choice.

If you provide one of the Siebel-supported servers, you may use a Siebel-compliant security adapter or another adapter of your choice.

If you provide a directory other than those supported by the Siebel security adapters, then you are responsible for supporting the directory with the security adapter you implement. For specific information about third-party products supported by Siebel eBusiness Applications, see System Requirements and Supported Platforms for your Siebel application.

Your directory must store, at a minimum, the following data for each user. Each piece of data is contained in an attribute of the directory.

You can use other user attributes to store whatever data you want, such as first and last name. Authentication options that you choose may require that you commit additional attributes.

An additional piece of information, roles, is supported by the Application Object Manager, but is not required. Roles are an alternate means of associating Siebel responsibilities with users. Responsibilities are typically associated with users in the Siebel Database, but they can instead be stored in the directory. Leave role values empty to administer responsibilities from within Siebel applications.

For more information about this type of role, see Roles.

User Privileges

Depending on your authentication and registration strategies and the options that you implement within your strategy, you must define users in the directory that read and may possibly write user information in the directory. It is critical that users who read or write data in the directory have appropriate search and write privileges to the directory. Depending on your authentication and registration strategies, these users may include:

 Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications 
 Published: 23 June 2003