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Security for Mobile Solutions

Siebel Systems also provides a broad suite of mobile solutions that allow remote access to data within Siebel eBusiness Applications. These solutions support a wide variety of mobile platforms, that includes wireless phones, handhelds, and laptop computers. Siebel Systems provides security for customers using these devices to access Siebel applications. Siebel Systems also works with a range of alliance partners to provide the latest in security for mobile devices such as HP/Compaq, RIM, and Kyocera.

Secure Real-Time Wireless Communications

Siebel Wireless provides real-time wireless access to Siebel applications through browser-enabled mobile devices. Siebel Wireless views rendered in XML or HTML are sent through the Siebel-supported Web server to a wireless network and ultimately to the requestor's browser-enabled wireless device.

In this enterprise solution, the Web server and the Siebel Server reside within the firewall of the Siebel customer, thereby protecting data security. Standard protocols are used to secure browser-based data transmissions across the wireless network.

Multiple methods of securing the data are available, including the Wireless Transport Security Layer—the equivalent of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for wireless devices—and third-party products including Triple DES (Data Encryption Standard) encryption through the RIM Mobile Data Service.

When using Siebel applications on the RIM BlackBerry wireless handheld, data is passed over the wireless data network and routed using the secure BlackBerry Enterprise Server with Mobile Data Service. All data traveling between the BlackBerry handheld and the corporate infrastructure is Triple DES encrypted. The data remains encrypted along the entire path from source to destination.

Device User Authentication

Devices themselves must be secure. If a wireless or handheld device falls into the wrong hands, organizations need assurance that sensitive data will not be compromised. Siebel applications are fully compatible with the embedded security within these devices, as authentication is generally a device-level decision, rather than an application-specific one.

 Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications 
 Published: 23 June 2003