Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > User Administration > Modifying Self-Registration Views and Workflows >

Modifying User Deduplication

When a user self-registers, the User Registration Process workflow process attempts to determine whether the user already exists in the database. User deduplication is a default feature, and it is configurable.

As default functionality, if all of the following non-null field values entered by the self-registering user match those for an existing user, the users are considered to be the same person.

If the self-registering user is a match of an existing user, the existing User record is updated instead of a new User record being written. If the value in a field of the existing User record differs from the self-registering user's non-null entry, the existing field is updated with the new data. All other existing field values are left unchanged.

In the User Registration SubProcess workflow process, the duplication comparison is done by the ValidateContact method in the User Registration business service. Depending on the application, the comparison is done in one of two business service steps.

 Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications 
 Published: 23 June 2003