Siebel Server Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows > Installing the Siebel Database Server for Microsoft SQL Server > Database Server Software Installation on MS SQL Server >

Creating Tableowner and Administrator Accounts on MS SQL Server

Your database administrator must manually create the Siebel administrator account (default: SADMIN), the LDAPUSER account, and the SSE_ROLE group. Add the Siebel administrator logon to the sysadmin fixed server role. After the upgrade or install, the Siebel administrator account may be dropped from the sysadmin role, and added to the SSE_ROLE.

To grant the appropriate privileges to these users, execute the grantusr.sql script against your database server. Your database administrator should review and run the grantusr.sql script before you configure the Siebel Database Server. This script is located in the DBSRVR_PLTFRM_ROOT subdirectory (for example, sea700\dbsrvr\MSSQL).

The default user name, password, and database associated with the logon are listed in the grantusr.sql script, as the following example shows:

sp_addlogin SADMIN, SADMIN, siebeldb


sp_addlogin SIEBEL, SIEBEL, siebeldb


sp_addlogin LDAPUSER, LDAPUSER, siebeldb

To change the login or the name of the database, edit the grantusr.sql script to change all references to the login or the database name. (The length and allowable characters of the login ID and password depend on the rules of your underlying RDBMS platform. See your Microsoft documentation for instructions.)

CAUTION:  Do not change the name of the Siebel administrator account, SADMIN. This account must exist for you to log in to Siebel eBusiness Applications as the Siebel administrator.

Tableowner and Administrator Account for Siebel Marketing

If you are planning to use Siebel Marketing, grant drop table, drop index, create table, and create index rights at the database level within the OLTP schema to the tableowner or the database userid used for Siebel Marketing. For more details. see Siebel Marketing Guide.

To run the grantusr.sql script

  1. Open grantusr.sql in MS Query Analyzer.
  2. Execute the script.

 Siebel Server Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows 
 Published: 25 June 2003