Siebel Developer's Reference > Applet Classes >

CSSFrameSalutation and CSSSWEFrameSalutation Classes

The CSSFrameSalutation and CSSSWEFrameSalutation classes are the Salutation frame classes for SWE.

The discussion of these classes focuses on the SWE version. However, it applies to both the SWE and the non-SWE version. For more information on the relationship between these classes, see Relationship Between SWE and Non-SWE Classes.

Usage Guidelines

You can use the CSSSWEFrameSalutation class to display a salutation, typically on the home page. This applet class should contain a control named Explorer, which it uses to display data. When the frame shows the Explorer control, it pulls out all the field values from the Result Text column, and displays them together.



Accessible Methods

Inherited CSSFrame and CSSSWEFrame Methods

Applet User Properties

not applicable

Control User Properties

not applicable

Dependencies and Limitations


 Siebel Developer's Reference 
 Published: 23 October 2003