Siebel Developer's Reference > Tags >

swe:toolbar, swe:toolbaritem

Toolbars and menus provide the means for the user to initiate various actions. Toolbars appear in their own frame near the top of the application in the browser window.

Clicking on a toolbar icon or menu item is translated into a call to an invoke method, which may reside in a service on the browser or server, or in classes in the browser application or server infrastructure (applet or business component classes, SWE frame manager, or model). The toolbar icon or menu item is configured to target a method name, a method handler (from which it may be automatically retargeted if not found), and, optionally, a service.

Application-level items (which include both toolbar icons and application-level menus) are implemented through the use of Command object definitions in Siebel Tools, which are then mapped to Toolbar Item or Menu Item object definitions. Applet-level menus do not use Command object definitions, but the set of properties used for targeting the method are essentially the same as are found in the Command object type.

In SWE templates, the <swe:toolbar> tag specifies a named toolbar (where the name corresponds to the Name property in the Toolbar object definition in the repository), and the <swe:toolbaritem> tag between the toolbar start and end tags recursively retrieves all of the toolbar items for that toolbar from the repository.

Two types of toolbars are supported: HTML and Java applet. HTML toolbars reside in the topmost frame in the application template, which is set aside for this purpose. An additional frame beneath this one is specified for Java toolbars in Call Center and similar applications using CTI. If no Java toolbar is used, this frame is omitted.

For an HTML toolbar, in the SWT file, add the following:

<swe:toolbar name=xxx>    // where xxx is the name of toolbar in the repository.

// any HTML stuff here...


// any HTML stuff here...


NOTE:  For combobox items, the command has to be targeted to a service.

For a Java toolbar, add the following to the SWT file:

<swe:toolbar name="xxx" javaapplet="true" />

The Java applet will invoke the ShellUIInit method on the command target service when it tries to initialize. It will invoke ShellUIExit when it exits. There is a set of communication protocols defined for the communication between the Java Applet and the service.

The toolbar will be implemented as a Java Applet (including all the toolbar controls and the threads interacting with the server).



<swe:toolbar name="xxx" javaapplet="true/false" />


Name. Name of the toolbar, as specified in the repository Toolbar object definition.

Javaapplet. Specify as TRUE to implement a Java toolbar. Specify as FALSE or omit to implement an HTML toolbar.






 Siebel Developer's Reference 
 Published: 23 October 2003