Siebel Universal Customer Master Applications Reference > Architecture and Framework > Architecture of Siebel UCM Applications >

Business Object Layer

The business logic layer for Siebel UCM Applications contains object abstractions of entities and represents internal and external data. The logic layer also allows for complex entity relationships. For further information about the business objects layer, see the Siebel Architecture Basic Concepts chapter in Siebel Tools Reference.

The business object manager consists of the Object Manager, Data Manager, and Siebel UCM Applications Integration.

Object Manager and Data Manager

The object manager and data manager layer use:

These business objects are customizable. For further information about the business objects and data objects layer, see Siebel Tools Reference.

Workflow Integration

Siebel Business Process Designer is the center of the business data flow. Workflow processes control the flow and transformation of data into and out of the Siebel eBusiness Applications. You create the workflow processes using a graphical user interface provided within the Siebel eBusiness Applications, called the Siebel Business Process Designer.

For details on workflow and the Siebel Business Process Designer, see Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide.

Integration Objects

Integration objects are data containers used within the workflow environment. They represent the data structure of a Siebel Business Object or an external application's data object. You create integration objects with the Integration Object Builder provided in Siebel Tools. The Integration Object Builder creates Siebel Integration Objects from Siebel Business Objects, which are then used by components within the Siebel UCM Applications Integration.

For more information on Integration Objects, see Overview: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume I.

Business Services

Business services execute predefined or custom actions in a workflow process. One example of a business service is the Siebel eAI Adaptor. These business services act on property sets passed to them. They perform business logic operations such as interfacing with the database, interfacing to external systems, or transforming one integration object into another. Many business services are provided, but you can create your own. Although you can use business services to perform many different functions, they all have a standard interface. Business services have object-like qualities, such as methods, method arguments, and user properties. These elements define how a business service can be used. Business services are defined in Siebel Tools.

 Siebel Universal Customer Master Applications Reference
 Published: 18 April 2003