Upgrading and Migrating Siebel Janna Applications > Interoperability Case Study > Transaction Zone—Implementation Details >

Determining the ProgID of Siebel Janna Data Object

Depending on the kind of Siebel Janna Data Object (Core Siebel Janna Data Object, Extension Siebel Janna Data Object, Client Extension Siebel Janna Data Object) there are several ways to determine the correct ProgID.

In the absence of accurate documentation, there are a number of tools that will allow you to determine ProgID based on the compiled DLL (regedit or OLEView) that implements a DLL. If a compiled DLL is not available, use the source code of the Siebel Janna Data Object Implementation to determine its ProgID. Most often Siebel Janna Data Object ProgIDs are formed from the SQL Table Name that the Siebel Janna Data Object maintains and take the following form:

<Module Name>.<SQL Table or View Name>.1

where <Module Name> is often <SQL Table or View Name> with DO appended to it. For example, a Siebel Janna Data Object that maintains the SQL View vSomeViewData would have a ProgID of vSomeViewDataDO.vSomeViewData.1.

 Upgrading and Migrating Siebel Janna Applications
 Published: 18 April 2003