Upgrading and Migrating Siebel Janna Applications > Interoperability Case Study > Transaction Zone—Implementation Details >

Determining the Siebel Janna Data Object XML Tag Name

In cases where the Siebel Janna Data Objects have been developed with the help of Siebel Janna Wizards in Visual C++, the XML tag name will be equivalent to the database object name. In this case, for example, where the Siebel Janna Data Object is driven by a database table named Transactions_Data, its XML tag name will also be Transactions_Data. Technical documentation needs to be reviewed should this assumption not yield the correct XML tag name. As a last resort, the user can determine the Siebel Janna Data Object XML tag name by using published help files for the Siebel Janna Tools to create a shell program using core classes (that is, use ConvertDO2XML method for JcomHelper class). Support for developing this interface is found by searching for ConvertXML2DO in the Index tab of the SDK.chm help file, which ships with Siebel Janna Tools.

 Upgrading and Migrating Siebel Janna Applications
 Published: 18 April 2003