Siebel Universal Queuing Administration Guide > Using Siebel Universal Queuing > Receiving and Handling Work Items >

Selecting Work Items from My Qualified Work Items View

Agents have the option of selecting work items from a list of work items matching their skill set that are waiting to be handled. The agent uses the My Qualified Work Items view in the Communications screen for this purpose.

To select a work item

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Communications > My Qualified Work Items.
  2. The My Qualified Work Items view appears.

  3. Click the Change Ready State button on the communications toolbar to change availability to ready, if necessary.
  4. Click Request Work Items to display the available work items.
  5. A dialog box appears, prompting you for the number of work items for Siebel Universal Queuing to display.

  6. Enter the number of work items you want to see and click OK.
  7. NOTE:  The number you specify here will be the maximum number of work items you can receive for each channel; normal limits on channel capacity may be overridden. For example, if you are enabled for the voice and email channels, and you specify to receive two work items, you may receive up to two work items of the voice channel and two work items of the email channel—even if the specified maximum for either of these channels is less than two.

    If you do not enter a number, the default display in the My Qualified Work Items list in the Communications screen is up to 10 work items.

  8. Select a work item you decide to work on and click Request Assignment.
  9. Click Accept to accept the work item.

 Siebel Universal Queuing Administration Guide
 Published: 18 April 2003