Siebel eAuction Guide > Auction Properties >

Timestamp Advantage Property

The eAuc:AllowTimeStampAdvantage property allows the site administrator to determine if any advantage will be given to a bid based on timestamp. The eAuc:BidTimeTieBreakOption setting determines what timestamp a bid receives.

When eAuc:AllowTimeStampAdvantage = TRUE, a bid with an earlier timestamp only has to meet the bid amount of a competing bid with a later timestamp.

When eAuc:AllowTimeStampAdvantage = FALSE, a bid's bid amount must always try and beat another competing bid's bid amount—regardless of each bid's timestamp.

In either case, if there are competing bids with the same bid amount at the close of the auction, the bid with the earlier timestamp wins.

 Siebel eAuction Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003