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Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Install Guide
Part Number B40084-01
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Intended Audience

Welcome to Release of the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Install Guide.

This document is intended for administrators or implementers who wish to install Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BI Publisher).

See Related Information Sources for more Oracle product information.

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1  Introduction
2  Installing BI Publisher into Oracle Application Server or OC4J
3  Installing Manually into a J2EE Application Server
4  Postinstallation Tasks
A  Silent and Non-Interactive Installation
B  Deinstalling BI Publisher

Related Information Sources

Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher User's Guide

This guide contains information for the user on creating, running, and scheduling reports and information for the administrator on configuration and set up. The guide also contains an API reference for developers.

Oracle Containers for J2EE Deployment Guide

This covers information and procedures for deploying an application to an OC4J environment. This includes discussion of the deployment plan editor that comes with Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g.

Third-Party Licensing Information

The application uses Apache Axis and the OpenSymphony Quartz Scheduler open-source software packages. The Apache license agreement for Axis is included on the install media under \doc\ApacheLicense.txt and can also be obtained from This license also covers the use of OpenSymphony Quartz Scheduler.