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Oracle® Universal Content Management
10g Release 4 (10.1.4)
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Changing the Properties of a Table

After you add a table to the page, you may want to modify some of its properties. You do this using the table properties dialog. You can change the number of table rows and columns, the table width and height, and some display options.

To change the properties of a table, perform these tasks:

  1. Place your mouse cursor anywhere in the table whose properties you want to edit.

  2. Right-click and choose Table Properties.

    The table properties dialog is displayed (Figure).

  3. Specify or edit each property as required:

    • Rows: Specifies the number of rows in the table.

    • Columns: Specifies the number of columns in the table.

    • Border size: Specifies the border size for the table (in pixels). (Set this to 0 if you do not want borders around the table.)

    • Alignment: Specifies if the table uses the default setting, or is right aligned, left aligned, or centered.

    • Width: Specifies the width of the table (in pixels or percentage of the page width). If you do not specify a width, the table is sized automatically to fit the cell contents.

    • Height: Specifies the height of the table (in pixels). If you do not specify a height, the table is sized automatically to fit the cell contents.

    • Cell spacing: Specifies the thickness of the cells borders.

    • Cell padding: Specifies the space between the contents of a cell and the inside border of a cell.

    • Caption: Specifies the title of your table. The title will appear above the table.

    • Summary: Sets a comment on the table. The comment will not appear in the table. Providing a summary is useful for accessibility purposes.

  4. Click OK when you have finished.