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Oracle® Universal Content Management
10g Release 4 (10.1.4)
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Static Lists in Contributor

On a web page, a static list can take many forms. It may contain a single column of text and graphics, or it may contain numerous rows and columns and rows containing text, graphics, links, and much more. When editing a static list in Contributor, however, you see a list in the form of a table with columns and rows (Figure)

Static List in Contributor

Static list as displayed in Contributor.
Description of Static List in Contributor

It contains multiple rows and columns, possibly a description or instructions in the field labels. In the above illustration, "Partner Name," "Partner Logo," and "Partner Description" are used for the field labels. The way it looks in Contributor may vary quite a bit from how it looks on the actual web page. Figure, for example, shows it as an invisible table, with the partner name above the partner logo, and the description to the right of the logo.

Static List on a Web Page

Static list as displayed on a web page.
Description of Static List on a Web Page

Each static list in a contribution region has a separate editing section in the Contributor editor. At the top of the section is the static list toolbar (Figure), which you use to add to, and edit, the list.

Static List Toolbar

Static list toolbar
Toolbar Option Description
Add Row icon
Adds a row to the static list.
Remove Row icon
Removes the currently selected row from the static list.
Surrounding text describes icon_statlist_edit.gif.
Launches the static list row editor (see Static List Row Editor), where you can edit the current row in the static list.
Move Up icon
Moves the selected row up one position in the static list.
Move Down icon
Moves the selected row down one position in the static list.