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Oracle® Universal Content Management
10g Release 4 (10.1.4)
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Dialogs vs. Tabs

The workspace can display site assets in two ways: as dialogs or as tabs.

Asset Dialogs

Site assets can display in the workspace as familiar Windows dialogs, with a title bar, minimize and maximize icons, and a close icon (Figure).

Two Assets Displaying As Dialogs

Description of Figure follows
Description of Two Assets Displaying As Dialogs

You can freely drag and drop dialog windows to any position within the workspace. This may be especially useful if you have a large screen, with lots of "real estate" to work with, so you can arrange the open windows to maximize viewing efficiency. You can also use the Window menu in Designer to change how the windows are arranged in the workspace (cascading, tiled).

If an asset has any unsaved changes, this is indicated by an asterisk (*) next to the asset name in the window title bar. When you close a window that has any unsaved changes, you are first prompted to save or discard these changes.

Asset Tabs

Site assets may also display in the workspace as tabs covering the entire workspace area (Figure).

Two Assets Displaying As Tabs

Description of Figure follows
Description of Two Assets Displaying As Tabs

You cannot move the tabs to a different position in the workspace as they already cover the entire workspace. You can use the left and right arrows in the top-right corner of the workspace to cycle between all open asset tabs, and the 'X' icon to close the current tab.

If an asset has any unsaved changes, this is indicated by an asterisk (*) next to the asset name on the tab. When you close a tab that has any unsaved changes, you are first prompted to save or discard these changes.

Switching Between Dialog and Tab Views

You can switch between dialog view and tab view at any time. If you want to see all open assets in tabs rather than dialogs, click the maximize icon of an asset window (Figure). Please note that after you maximize one dialog, all assets are displayed in tabs.

Maximize Icon

Maximize icon

If you want to see all assets in dialogs rather than tabs, click the Restore Down icon in the top-right corner of the Designer application window (Figure), just below the application title bar icons. Please note that after you restore one tab, all assets are displayed in dialogs.

Restore Down Icon

Restore Down icon