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Oracle® Universal Content Management
10g Release 4 (10.1.4)
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Specifying Fragment Properties

Each time you create a fragment in Designer, you are prompted to confirm or create individual properties for the fragment. You can also view and change existing properties from within the Fragment Editor by clicking the Additional Information (Figure) icon:

Additional Information icon

Additional Information Icon

To specify properties for a fragment, perform these tasks:

  1. Open the Properties for Fragments dialog (see Properties for Fragment Dialog).

    Properties for Fragment Dialog

    Properties for Fragment dialog box
  2. Enter a name for the fragment in the Name field. The name displays in the Toolbox.

  3. Enter an identification in the ID field. This identifies the fragment and its many parts (snippets, fragment assets, parameters, and so on). The ID also serves as an XML attribute and the base name for the fragment's classes, files, and directories. You cannot change the ID after you assign one to a fragment.


    The ID should be concise and should not contain spaces or non-ASCII characters.

  4. Choose a language for the fragment in the Language field. The language is used for server-side scripting and must correlate with the Web site type.

    • Select idoc or jsp for "hcsp/jsp" sites.

    • Select asp for "asp" sites.

  5. Choose a fragment type in the Type field. The type determines where the fragment appears in the Toolbox (see Fragments in the Toolbox) and certain editing options available in the Fragment Editor. You have four choices:

    • navigation: A navigation fragment provides site navigation for your Web site, such as a navigation bar, breadcrumbs, and a search box.

    • dynamiclist: A dynamic list fragment provides advanced contribution features by displaying a list of data files or native documents that a contributor can edit.

    • staticlist: A static list fragment provides advanced contribution features by displaying a structured layout of elements, whereby a contributor can add, edit, and delete rows and columns of information.

    • other: This category of fragments is intended for all other, possibly miscellaneous fragments, such as a copyright, an embedded Flash presentation, and a dynamically converted document.

  6. Click OK to close the Properties dialog and return to the Fragment Editor.

The Library Name in the Properties dialog denotes the fragment library where the fragment is stored. You choose this location when you save the fragment for the first time (see Saving a Fragment in a Fragment Library).


Only ASCII characters should be used for fragment IDs and the names of asset files and folders. This is because the folder within the zip file, which is created automatically for the assets, is named after the fragment ID, and the zip format does not support extended characters. This is true also for the names of any folders used for the assets and for the names of the asset files themselves.