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Oracle® Universal Content Management
10g Release 4 (10.1.4)
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Nav Tabs Top

Adds a tabular style navigation bar that displays up to two levels of navigation. The tabs use individual images with rendered text (DHTML is not used in this fragment). You can choose a different theme, using different images, if you like.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page. The default is "true."

ssShowNext: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display the second level of the navigation. The default is "false." If enabled, the second level of navigation displays below the tabs as text links, much like the Nav Plain Horizontal fragment.

ssTheme: Specifies the name of the theme. Specifically, it references a theme directory in the assets of this fragment.