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Oracle® Universal Content Management
10g Release 4 (10.1.4)
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Additional IDOC Fragments

There are some IDOC fragments from Site Studio releases before 10gR4 that have some functions that could be useful. However, it is important to note that these fragments do not scale for large applications, and as such are not recommended for use.

These IDOC fragments are installed with Site Studio, but are not checked in:

IDOC Nav Multi Horizontal

Adds a top navigation bar that can be placed anywhere on the page. This fragment can display a customized range of levels. This fragment is very similar to the Nav Multi Horizontal fragment: the difference being this one uses Idoc Script and relies heavily on service calls in the content server.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssSeparator: Text used to separate the parts of the bar. Default is "|".

ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page as part of the top level navigation. The default is "true." (The home page is actually located in the root of the Web site, essentially above the "top" level, but it is perceived as a sibling.)

ssStartLevel: The display level to start displaying the menu.

ssNumLevels: The number of (section) levels to display.

Special Instruction

The IDOC Nav Plain Horizontal fragment offers a simpler version of this menu.

IDOC Nav Plain Horizontal

Adds a top navigation bar that can be placed anywhere on the page. This fragment displays only the top level of your site navigation; that is, the sections in the root of the site. This fragment is very similar to the Nav Plain Horizontal fragment: the difference being this one uses Idoc Script and relies heavily on service calls in the content server.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssSeparator: Text used to separate the parts of the bar. Default is "|".

ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page. The default is "true." (The home page is actually located in the root of the Web site, above the "top" level, but it may be perceived as a sibling here.)

Special Instruction

The IDOC Nav Multi Horizontal fragment offers a more complex version of this menu.

IDOC Nav Tabs Top

Adds a tabular style navigation bar that displays up to two levels of navigation. The tabs use individual images with rendered text (DHTML is not used in this fragment). You can choose a different theme, using different images, if you like. This fragment is very similar to the Nav Tabs Top fragment: the difference being this one uses Idoc Script and relies heavily on service calls in the content server.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page. The default is "true."

ssShowNext: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display the second level of the navigation. The default is "false." If enabled, the second level of navigation displays below the tabs as text links, much like the Nav Plain Horizontal fragment.

ssTheme: Specifies the name of the theme. Specifically, it references a theme directory in the assets of this fragment.

IDOC Site Map Plain

Adds a site map that shows every section on the Web site and displays it in a hierarchical fashion. The hierarchy is shown in its expanded state. This fragment is very similar to the Site Map Plain fragment: the difference being this one uses Idoc Script and relies heavily on service calls in the content server.


ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.