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Oracle® Universal Content Management
10g Release 4 (10.1.4)
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Link Wizard - Choose URL Format

In the Link wizard, you can use several different linking formats for the hyperlink. There are advantages and disadvantages to each format.

Element Description
Path Based URL The link contains a path to the target location. You have two choices for this type of link:

Absolute Path: Generates a full path. For example: <!--$ssServerRelativeSiteRoot-->products/index.htm (where "<!--$ssServerRelativeSiteRoot-->" gets replaced with the path to the root of the Web site).

Relative Path: Generates a relative path instead of a full path. For example: ../products/index.htm.

ID Based URL The link contains the coded identity of the target location rather than the path-based name. You have three choices for this type of link.

Client Side Script Format: Uses client-side JavaScript to construct a link to the target location. For example: javascript:nodelink('123');, javascript:link('myfile');, or javascript:link('myfile','123');.

Server Side Script Format: Uses server-side Idoc Script to construct a link to the target location. For example: <!--$ssNodeLink("123")-->, <!--$ssLink("myfile")-->, or <!--$ssLink("myfile","123")-->.

URL Token Format: Uses a redirect on the server to construct a link to the target location. For example: ssNODELINK/123, ssLINK/myfile, or ssLINK/123/myfile.

Cancel Cancels your settings and closes the Link wizard.
Back Takes you to the previous screen in the wizard.
Next Takes you to the next screen in the wizard.
Finish Completes the wizard and inserts the link.
Help Opens the online help for this specific dialog.

If you know that you always want to choose the same format, you can hide this screen so that it does not display again, for both designers and contributors, using the Choose Default Link Format dialog (see Choose Default Link Format Dialog).

The "Path-based URL" option may be disabled, depending on what you chose on the previous screen (for example, if you're creating a link to a file and you choose its Web Site Section metadata as the target section).