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Oracle® Universal Content Management
10g Release 4 (10.1.4)
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Placeholder Definition Dialog

The placeholder definition is used to control how the site assets within the placeholder are used and how they work together. The placeholder is also used to control the workflow, site reports, and whether the contributor can even edit the data within the placeholder.

Element Description
Description The name of the placeholder definition.
Contributor edit Check to allow the contributor to have access to edit the contributor data file within the region.
Document info Check to make the document info menu available on the document info page.
Update document info Check to allow the contributor access to edit the document info. It is not necessary to select Document Info to allow the contributor access to edit.
Workflow approve Check to include workflow approval in the contributor menu. This is only valid when the item is in workflow and the contributor can approve the item in workflow.
Workflow reject Check to include workflow reject in the contributor menu. This is only valid when the item is in workflow and the contributor can reject the item in workflow.
Modify metadata Check to allow the contributor access to edit the metadata.
Switch content Check to allow the contributor access to switch the contributor data file or the native document.
Switch region template Check to allow the contributor access to switch the region template.
View Web site usage report Check to allow the contributor access to view the Web site usage report.
View content tracker report Check to allow the contributor access to view the content tracker report.
Allowed region definitions The list of region definitions associated with the placeholder definition. The region definitions listed here are the only subtemplates available to use within the placeholder the placeholder definition is mapped to.
Associated region templates The list of all region templates associated with the region definition selected in the "Allowed region definitions" list. The region templates listed here are the only region templates available to use within the placeholder the placeholder definition is mapped to. The region template marked with an asterisk is the default region template for the selected region definition.
Allowed subtemplates The list of all region templates associated with the region definition selected in the "Allowed region definitions" list. The subtemplates listed here are the only subtemplates available to use within the placeholder the placeholder definition is mapped to.
Add Click to remove a region definition, region template, or subtemplate to the placeholder definition.
Remove Click to mark a region template as the default template for the selected region definition.
Make Default Cancels your settings and closes the Placeholder Definition dialog.
Help Opens the online help for this specific dialog.