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Oracle® Universal Content Management
10g Release 4 (10.1.4)
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WYSIWYG Element Definition Dialog

The WYSIWYG element becomes a field in Contributor where users (contributors) add, edit, and delete text, graphics, and more. You can control the contributor's experience using this dialog.

Element Description
Info Provides a more detailed description of the element. This description appears as a tooltip when contributors hover their mouse over the Info icon in Contributor.
Type Indicates the type of element you are adding.
Actions Actions determine the available editing options for a contributor:

Undo: Contributors can undo their last edit.

Redo: Contributors can redo their last edit.

Cut: Contributors can cut text and images.

Copy: Contributors can copy text and images.

Paste: Contributors can paste text and images.

  • Formatted (on/off): Allows formatting or removes formatting when text is pasted in Contributor.

Insert Link: Contributors can create hyperlinks.

  • Link Settings: Opens the Link Settings dialog (see Link Settings Dialog), where you specify a contributor's linking options.



Remove Link: Contributors can remove hyperlinks.

Edit hyperlink targets: Contributors can edit the file that is the target of a hyperlink (using the Element menu and right-click menu).

Insert bookmark: Contributors can insert a bookmarking link.

Bold: Contributors can make the text bold.

Italic: Contributors can make the text italic.

Underline: Contributors can underline the text.

Superscript: Contributors can make the text superscript.

Subscript: Contributors can make the text subscript.

Strikethrough: Contributors can mark the text with a strikethrough bar.

Remove Formatting: Contributors can remove text formatting.

Ordered List: Contributors can add an ordered (numbered) list.

Unordered List: Contributors can add an unordered (bulleted) list.

Indent: Contributors can indent (move to the right) text and images.

Outdent: Contributors can outdent (move to the left) text and images.

Left Justify: Contributors can left-align text and images.

Center Justify: Contributors can center text and images.

Right Justify: Contributors can right-align text and images.

Full Justify: Contributors can fully justify the text and images.

Blockquote: Contributors can place and align the text within a blockquote.

Insert Image: Contributors can add/replace images (gif, jpg, and png).

  • Set QueryText: Opens the Edit Query Text dialog (see Edit Query Text Dialog), where you specify the query used to display images to the contributor.

  • Show Results Only (On/Off): Shows or hides the content server environment when a contributor searches for images.

Insert Horizontal Rule: Contributors can add a horizontal rule.

Insert Line Break: Contributors can add a line break.

Insert Symbol: Contributors can add a special character from the symbol map.

Edit hyperlink targets: Contributors can edit the file that is the target of a hyperlink (using the Element menu and right-click menu).

Change Font Face: Contributors can change the font face.

Change Font Size: Contributors can change the font size.

Change Foreground Color: Contributors can change the text color.

Change Background Color: Contributors can change the text background color.

Spell Checker: Contributors can perform a spell check.

Required: Requires information in the field before Contributor closes.

Apply CSS Classes: Contributors can use different CSS classes.

  • Set Class Names: Opens the Select CSS Classes dialog (see Select CSS Classes Dialog), where you specify the classes that are available in Contributor.

Table Support: Contributors can add and edit tables.

Form support: Contributors can add and edit forms.

Actions (continued) Validation: Used to validate the content added in Contributor (allowing you to enforce certain content requirements for contributors).

Edit Object Properties: Contributors can use a properties form to edit HTML tags in Contributor.

Insert Flash: Contributors can insert Flash files.

  • Set QueryText: Opens the Edit Query Text dialog (see Edit Query Text Dialog), where you specify the query used to display images to the contributor.

  • Show Results Only (On/Off): Shows or hides the content server environment when a contributor searches for images.

Custom Configuration: Used to allow configuration scripts to modify the contributor's editing window.

  • Select Custom Configuration: Opens the Custom Configuration Scripts dialog (see Custom Configuration Scripts Dialog). The number of configuration scripts selected appears to the right.

Accessibility Report: When selected, contributors can run an accessibility report on webpages from the WYSIWYG toolbar to see if the pages are compliant with multiple accessibility standards. Please note that this option is meaningful only if Ephox is used as the Contributor editor (which is not the default).

Select All: Contributors can select everything within the editor.

Print: Contributors can print the content as it appears in the editor. Content is not formatted as it would appear on the web page.

Find and Replace: Contributors can perform find and replace functions when editing.

Show HTML Elements: Contributors can view where HTML tags are used with the data and how they are used.

Source Mode: Used to allow contributors to select to edit in WYSIWYG or HTML. If unselected, contributors can edit only in WYSIWYG.

Expand Editor: Used to allow contributors to view the editing area full-screen.

Apply HTML Tags: Used to determine which tags are available to Contributors who edit in HTML.

  • Set Tag Names: Open to select specific tags that are allowed for Contributors. See Select HTML Tags Dialog for more information.

Set Element Height: Used to set a fixed height of the element.

  • Set Height: Use to set the height of the element by entering a number and the unit of measurement (centimeters, millimeters, inches, percent, picas, pixels, points).

Do Not Enclose Text in Editor: Used to define how carriage returns are handled in HTML. If text is enclosed, each time the contributor enters a return, a paragraph is created. If not enclosed, a line break is inserted for each return.

Override Editor CSS: Used to implement a style sheet for the editor window.

  • Select CSS File: Displays the CSS files on the content available to use.

Check All Checks all of the actions so that a contributor has all available editing options.
Clear All Clears all of the metadata values so that a contributor has no editing options.
OK Saves your settings and closes the WYSIWYG Element dialog.
Cancel Cancels your settings and closes the WYSIWYG Element dialog.
Help Opens the online help for this specific dialog.