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Oracle® Universal Content Management
10g Release 4 (10.1.4)
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Changing the URL Associated With a Section or Page

The URL associated with a section (or page) is what represents this section in the complete web address. For example, in the address, the URL associated with the section is "product1" and the URL associated with the page is "index.htm". This value is also used in all path-based links to this section, and should not contain any spaces or special characters.

To change the URL associated with a section or a page, perform these steps:

  1. Launch the Site Manager Application (see Launching Site Manager).

  2. Select the section in the site hierarchy whose name and/or URL you want to change.

  3. Make sure the Section tab is open.

    To change the URL that represents this section in the Web site address, enter a Url Directory Name. By default, the URL directory name is identical to the section label, but you can use a different value if you want.

    To change the URL that represents the primary page (associated with this section) in the Web site address, enter a Url Page Name. If you do not specify a URL page name, then "index.htm" is used to represent the primary page.

  4. Press <Enter> on your keyboard or click elsewhere in Manager.


The name used for secondary pages is the content ID (dDocName) of the file (contributor data file or native document) appearing there. Contact the site designer for information on changing this value.