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Oracle® Universal Content Management
10g Release 4 (10.1.4)
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Assigning a Secondary Page to a Section

Each section in the site hierarchy should have a secondary page if contributors are adding files (contributor data files or native documents) to that part of the Web site. The secondary page acts like a backdrop for these files and ultimately enables contributors to add more pages to the Web site. You can assign a unique page template to each section or reuse the same page template in multiple sections.

To assign a secondary page to a section, perform these steps:

  1. Launch the Site Manager Application (see Launching Site Manager).

  2. Select the section in the site hierarchy to assign a secondary page to.

  3. Open the Secondary Page Template tab.

  4. Beside Preview page template, click the menu and select the desired page template from the list.

  1. Click Apply.

    The page template that you selected is displayed in the preview area.


    You can add a secondary page to the root of the site hierarchy (beside the home page). To do this, select the root of the site in the Site Hierarchy pane ("Home") and assign a secondary page to it.