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Oracle® Universal Content Management
10g Release 4 (10.1.4)
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Site Studio Administration

In addition to using the Designer, Manager, and Contributor applications to create and manage a site, you can also perform several administrative tasks from within the Content Server interface, including starting and stopping sites, assigning default metadata to project files, managing fragment libraries, replicating sites, and backing up and restoring sites.

You perform these tasks from the Site Studio Administration page in the Content Server interface. To open this page, perform these steps:

  1. Log in to the content server as an administrator.

  2. In the Administration section, select Site Studio Administration.

    The Site Studio Administration page is displayed. If you run Content Server in the Top Menus layout, you do not see this page. Instead, all administration options are then items in the Site Studio Administration menu.

Site Studio Administration Page

Description of Figure follows
Description of Site Studio Administration Page

The following options are available on the Site Studio Administration page:

Element Description
Manage Web Sites Opens the Manage Web Sites page (see Manage Web Sites Page), where you can view each site, update navigation, view a site report, stop and start the site, and reload a site.

See Managing Web Sites for more information.

Manage Web Site Addresses Opens the Manage Web Site Addresses page (see Web Site Addresses Page), where you can add domain addresses that point to your Web site.

See Managing Web Site Addresses for more information.

Manage Fragment Libraries Opens the Manage Fragment Libraries page (see Manage Fragment Libraries Page), where you can deploy fragment libraries and configure JSP support, if necessary.

See Managing Fragment Libraries for more information.

Set Default Project Document Information Opens the Set Project Default Document Information page (see Set Default Project Document Information Page), where you can specify the default metadata that is assigned to new project files (created in Designer).

See Setting Default Project Document Information for more information.

Manage Site Replication Opens the Manage Site Replication page (see Manage Site Replication Page), where you can replicate your site from one content server to another.

See Managing Site Replication for more information.

Backup and Restore Opens the Backup and Restore page (see Backup and Restore Page), where you can create a backup of your Web site and restore from a backup of your Web site.

See Backing Up and Restoring Web Sites for more information.

General Component Information Opens the General Component Information page (see General Component Information Page), where you can view useful information about your site, including the version, Site Studio-specific metadata, directory paths, and so on.

See General Component Information for more information.

You can open the Site Studio Administration page from the Administration section in Content Server or using the preview icon menu (Figure) in Designer (Site Studio Admin option).

Preview Icon in Site Studio Designer
