B Provisioning Agent (Pioneer) Messages

This appendix describes messages generated by the Provisioning Agent.


All Reconciliation Agent messages are prefixed with IDMP.

Message: IDMP000I Pioneer Provision Agent is Starting

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Message: IDMP001I Pioneer Input Parameters are OK

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Description: All parameters passed via PARM= statement were ok no errors

Message: IDMP002I Pioneer Detects Build yyyymmddHHMM

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Description: Pioneer Build yyyy = 4 digit year, mm = 2 digit month dd = 2 digit day, HH = 2 digit hour, MM = 2 digit month. This was the year,month,day,hour and minute of the Pioneer Provisioning Agent Production Build prior to Distribution.

Message: IDMP003I Pioneer Detects TCPIP Jobname XXXXXXXX

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Description: Pioneer has detected the TCPIP STC(Started Task) Name where XXXXXXXX is the STC name passed via the TCPN parameter and used for the connection to the LDAP Gateway.

Message: IDMP004I Pioneer Detects TCPIP IP Address of xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Description: Pioneer will not use this IP Address it must be, Pioneer is a Socket Server and is only using PORT=, passed by the IPAD= parameter.

Message: IDMP005I Pioneer Detects TCPIP IP PORT of xxxx

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Description: Pioneer will use this port passed in the PORT= parameter to accept connections from the LDAP server. This port does not need reserving in the TCPIP cpnfiguration file on z/OS.

Message: IDMP006I Pioneer Detects Debugging is ON

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Description: Pioneer will use the DEBUG= parameter passed to provide detailed diagnostics for Oracle/IDF technical personnel. The output routes to the DEBUGOUT 'DD' statement in Pioneer. Be aware if DEBUG=Y then there will be a lot of output placed into the JES2 queue.

Message: IDMP007I Pioneer Detects Debugging is OFF

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer will use the DEBUG= parameter passed and no detailed diagnostics will route to the DEBUGOUT 'DD' statement in Pioneer.

Message: IDMP008I Pioneer Detects KVER xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Description: Pioneer via ESIZE= parameter passed as a PARM= in the

STC is using KVER xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for Encryption.

Message: IDMP009I Pioneer Detects Encryption Enabled

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Description: Pioneer via ESIZE=16 will turn on 'enable' AES 128 encryption

module for encryption of messages to/from LDAP.

Message: IDMP010I Pioneer Detects Encryption Disabled

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Description: Pioneer via ESIZE=00 will turn off 'disable' AES 128 encryption

module for encryption of messages to/from LDAP. Warning,

Pioneer will not work in this mode of Operation.

Message: IDMP011I Pioneer Detects CPUID xxxxxxxxxxxx

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Description: Pioneer has queried z/OS and retrieved the actual CPUID of the

system it is running.

Message: IDMP012I Pioneer Detects Sysplex Sysname xxxxxxxx

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Description: Pioneer has queried z/OS and retrieved the actual Sysplex

Sysname it is executing on.

Message: IDMP013I Pioneer Detects LPARNAME xxxxxxxx

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Description: Pioneer via the LPAR= parameter will use the xxxxxxxx as A name for this system. This is informational only. Will be used in a later release of software.

Message: IDMP014I Pioneer Detects Country Code of XX

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Description: Pioneer has queried z/OS and retrieved the Country code of

this system. This will be used in all conversions from EBCDIC to


Message: IDMP015I Pioneer Detects Job Wait Time Of xx Secs

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Description: Pioneer has detected a Job Wait Time Of xx seconds. This is

The JWAIT= PARM. Used for an optional feature not supported

by all versions of Pioneer or LDAP.

Message: IDMP015I Pioneer Detects RECON wait time of xx Mins

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Description: Pioneer has detected via PARM= a RWAIT= which controls the

Amount of time Pioneer waits to query RECON file completion.

Message: IDMP020I Pioneer Accepting Messages on xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has initialized the TCPIP stack with its calls and has

bound a socket for listening to the PORT= parameter.

Message: IDMP020A Pioneer Operator has Issued a Shutdown Command

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: Action

Meaning: Pioneer has been requested to shutdown via Modify command

passed from console, TSO or automation.

Message: IDMP030I Pioneer INITAPI was successful

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has Initialized the TCPIP stack successfully

Message: IDMP031I Pioneer GETCLIENTID was successful

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has issued a GETCLIENTID and it was successful.

This is normal for the socket server like Pioneer.

Message: IDMP032I Pioneer CLIENT NAME/ID is xxxxxxxx

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has successfully acquired the CLIENTID required for a socket server connection and it will use xxxxxxxx as the name.

Message: IDMP033I Pioneer CLIENT TASK is xxxxxxxx

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has successfully acquired the CLIENTID required for a socket server connection and it will use xxxxxxxx as the Task name.

Message: IDMP034I Pioneer CREATE SOCKET was successful

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has successfully created a socket for its SOCKET Server


Message: IDMP035I Pioneer BIND SOCKET was successful

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has successfully BINDED the Socket to the port that was passed via PORT= parameter.

Message: IDMP036I Pioneer Listening port is xxxx

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer will be listening on port xxxx for incoming LDAP


Message: IDMP037I Pioneer Listening Address is xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer will be listening on IP Address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

for incoming LDAP requests.

Message: IDMP038I Pioneer Listen Socket Call was successful

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has successfully issued a Socket Listen call.

Message: IDMP039I Pioneer Read Socket Call was successful

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has received a message from the LDAP gateway via

the Read Socket call and it was successful.

Message: IDMP039I Pioneer Write Socket Call was successful

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has sent a message to the LDAP gateway via

the Write Socket call and it was successful.

Message: IDMP040I Pioneer Translation was successful from-to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. (ASCII-TO-EBCDIC) or (EBCDIC-TO-ASCII)

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer successfully translated LDAP's message from

ASCII-TO-EBCDIC or translated the message going to

The LDAP gateway from EBCDIC-TO-ASCII

Message: IDMP040E Pioneer Translation was not successful from-to

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.(ASCII-TO-EBCDIC) or (EBCDIC-TO-ASCII)

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer did not successfully translated LDAP's message from

ASCII-TO-EBCDIC or the message going to

The LDAP gateway from EBCDIC-TO-ASCII

Message: IDMP040I Pioneer Socket Accept was successful

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer's Socket Accept call was successful.

Message: IDMP040E Pioneer Socket Accept was not successful RC: xxxxxxxx

Message-Type: Error

Action Required: Review Socket Accept Return Code and take required action as outlined in z/OS V1R9.0 Communication Server IP CICS Sockets Guide – SC31-8807-04

Meaning: Pioneer's Socket Accept call failed with RC: xxxxxxxx

Message: IDMP048I Pioneer LDAP Connection Timed out

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer to LDAP connection timed out.

Message: IDMP049I Pioneer Has Been Idle for 30 Mins

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has not received any messages from LDAP Gateway in 30 mins.

Message: IDMP050A Pioneer Closing IP Connection

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has received or issued a Socket Close and the connection will be closed.

Message: IDMP051I Pioneer Close Socket Call was Successful

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has received or issued a Socket Close and it was successful

Message: IDMP052I Pioneer Shutdown Socket Call was Successful

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has received or issued a Socket Close and it was successful

Message: IDMP053I Pioneer MYRADMIN SAF call was Successful

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has passed the security system function call via the SAF

interface (module IRRSEQ00) and it was a success.

Message: IDMP054I Pioneer Received ACF2 Recon Request from LDAP

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has received a Batch Recon request from the LDAP Gateway.

Message: IDMP055I Pioneer Recon Processing Started

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has received a Batch Recon request from the LDAP Gateway and has been submitted to z/OS.

Message: IDMP056I Pioneer Recon Processing Ended

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer Batch Recon request has ended.

Message: IDMP057I Pioneer Recon Processing Successful

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer Batch Recon Request was successful and data was retrieved and send back to the LDAP gateway.

Message: IDMP058I Pioneer Recon Has Processed: xxxx Userids

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer Recon Processing status message. The xxxx is the increment and is usually 1000 userids/ACIDS.

Message: IDMP058I Pioneer Recon Total Processed: xxxxxx Userids

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer Recon Processing status message. The xxxxxx is the total of the processed userids/ACIDS and is put out with the first IDMP058I message.

Message: IDMP070I Pioneer xxxxxxxx Is Now Open

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer file xxxxxxxx is now Open.

Message: IDMP071I Pioneer xxxxxxxx Is Now Closed

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer file xxxxxxxx is now Closed

Message: IDMP070I Pioneer Could Not Open xxxxxxxx RC: xx

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer file xxxxxxxx could not be opened

Message: IDMP080I Pioneer Job Submitted to the Intrdr

Message-Type: Informational

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has punched a Job to the Intrdr, see JCLOUTP 'DD' in Pioneer for details.

Message: IDMP100I Pioneer (IN) Msgs Processed is xxxxxxxxxx

Message-Type: Informational – Shutdown Statistic

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has processed xxxxxxxxxx (IN) bound messages from LDAP gateway.

Message: IDMP100I Pioneer (OUT) Msgs Processed is xxxxxxxxxx

Message-Type: Informational – Shutdown Statistic

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has processed xxxxxxxxxx (OUT) bound messages To LDAP gateway.

Message: IDMP100I Pioneer Message (READ) Bytes xxxxxxxxxxx

Message-Type: Informational – Shutdown Statistic

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has processed xxxxxxxxxx (IN) bound messages bytes from LDAP gateway.

Message: IDMP100I Pioneer Message (WRITE) Bytes xxxxxxxxxxx

Message-Type: Informational – Shutdown Statistic

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has processed xxxxxxxxxx (OUT) bound messages bytes to the LDAP gateway.

Message: IDMP200E Pioneer Startup Parameter Error xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Message-Type: Error

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer has shutdown with a PARM= error, see SYSOUT 'DD'for the details of the error.

Message: IDMP300I *Debug* - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Message-Type: Error

Action Required: None

Meaning: Pioneer will display this statement when DEBUG=Y is on and Output will route to // DEBUGOUT 'DD'.