What's New in Oracle Identity Manager Connector for Microsoft Active Directory?

This chapter provides an overview of the updates made to the software and documentation for the Microsoft Active Directory connector in release

The updates discussed in this chapter are divided into the following categories:

Software Updates

The following sections discuss software updates:

Software Updates in Release

The following are software updates in release

Support for Lookup Field Reconciliation of Security Groups and Organizations

The functionality of the scheduled task has been extended to cover lookup field reconciliation of security groups and organizations.

See "Lookup Fields Reconciliation" for more information. See "Lookup Fields Reconciliation Scheduled Task" for information about the scheduled tasks that automate reconciliation of these lookup fields.

Support for New Provisioning Operations

The connector now supports the following provisioning operations (functions):

See "Supported Functionality" for information about these functions.

Changes in the IT Resource Definition

Parameters to track the time at which reconciliation runs end have been added to the IT resource. In earlier releases, parameters that used to accept true and false now accept yes and no.

The isOrgLookupDN parameter has been added to the IT resource definition. You use this parameter to specify whether DN or relative DN values must be stored in the Lookup.ADReconciliation.Organization lookup definition during lookup reconciliation.

See "Defining IT Resources" for more information.

Separate Scheduled Tasks for Trusted Source and Target Resource Reconciliation

These scheduled tasks are discussed in the "User Reconciliation Scheduled Task" section.

Change in the Requirement for External Code Files

From this release onward, the ldapbp.jar file is the only external code file required for connector operations.

See "Copying the Connector Files and External Code Files" for information about downloading and using this file.

Support for the Application of Native LDAP Queries During Reconciliation

In the earlier release, you specify the query condition for limited reconciliation by using operators that are not native to the target system. You can now specify the query condition using either non-native or native operators. You use the CustomizedReconQuery and isNativeQuery attributes of the user reconciliation scheduled task for this purpose.

See "Partial Reconciliation" for more information.

Support for Mapping New Attributes for Reconciliation and Provisioning

You can map new target system attributes with Oracle Identity Manager attributes for reconciliation and provisioning. See the following sections for more information:

Software Updates in Releases Through

There are no software updates in releases through

Software Updates in Release

The following are issues resolved in release

Bug Number Issue Resolution


An attempt by a user to change a password by using the Forgot Password self-service feature would always fail, even if the user correctly answered the challenge questions. The "Invalid user found" message is displayed as the outcome of this operation.

This issue has been fixed, and you can now change the password by using the Forgot Password feature.

Software Updates in Release

The following are issues resolved in release

Bug Number Issue Resolution


During a Create User provisioning operation, if you entered a comma in the Full Name field, then the operation would fail. This was because the Full Name field of Oracle Identity Manager was mapped to the cn field of the target system.

In the AtMap.AD lookup definition, the cn field of the target system has been mapped to the User ID field of Oracle Identity Manager. If required, you can change this mapping in the lookup definition so that the cn field is mapped to a different Oracle Identity Manager field.

See Oracle Identity Manager Design Console Guide for information about modifying lookup definitions.

Software Updates in Release

There are no software updates in release

Software Updates in Release

There are no software updates in release

Software Updates in Release

There are no software updates in release

Software Updates in Release

The following are issues resolved in release

Bug Number Issue Resolution


Suppose the target system contains two domains that are configured as a parent-child pair. Groups grp1 and grp2 are created on the parent and child domain, respectively. User John Doe is a member of both groups. Through group reconciliation, groups grp1 and grp2 have been created in Oracle Identity Manager.

During user reconciliation, reconciliation of John's record failed because user matching was based on the objectGUID and cn. attributes

This issue has been resolved. User matching during reconciliation is now based on the DN of the user. Therefore, user reconciliation is successful even when a user is a member of groups on both parent and child Microsoft Active Directory domains.

Software Updates in Release

The following are issues resolved in release

Bug Number Issue Resolution


The name of an OU created in Oracle Identity Manager through reconciliation was converted to lowercase letters. For example, if you created the MyOrg OU in the target system, then the OU created in Oracle Identity Manager through reconciliation was named myorg.

During subsequent user reconciliation runs, the target system OU could not be matched with its corresponding OU in Oracle Identity Manager. Therefore, reconciliation of users belonging to the OU failed.

This issue has been resolved. The case (uppercase and lowercase) of the name of an OU created in Oracle Identity Manager through reconciliation is the same as the case of the OU name on the target system.

Software Updates in Release

The following are issues resolved in release

Bug Number Issue Resolution


A provisioning operation failed if you entered the slash character (/) in the Full Name field.

This issue has been resolved. During a provisioning operation, you can now enter the slash character in the Full Name fields.

Software Updates in Release

The following are issues resolved in release

Bug Number Issue Resolution


During group lookup reconciliation, target system groups were reconciled under a single organization in Oracle Identity Manager.

You can now specify whether each target system group must be reconciled into an organization of its own or all target system groups must be reconciled into a single organization.

To implement this feature, the following attributes have been introduced in the ActiveDirectoryReconTask scheduled task:

  • UseOrgNameForGroupRecon

  • OrganizationNameForGroupRecon

See "User Reconciliation Scheduled Task" for information about these attributes.

In addition, Arabic and Danish have been added to the list of supported languages.

Software Updates in Release

The following are issues resolved in release

Bug Number Issue Resolution


During a Create User provisioning operation, if you entered a comma in the Full Name field, then the operation would fail. This was because the Full Name field of Oracle Identity Manager was mapped to the cn field of the target system.

This issue has been resolved. See "User Provisioning" for information about special characters that are supported in the Full Name field.


During a provisioning operation, a user could not be made a member of a group whose name contained special characters.

This issue has been resolved. See "User Provisioning" for information about special characters that are supported in the Group Name field.


During reconciliation of a large number of records, the reconciliation run would sometimes stop automatically and no error was thrown. In addition, no attempt was made to reestablish the connection to resume the reconciliation run.

This issue has been resolved. The number of records to be reconciled is determined at the start of a reconciliation run. Whenever the connection fails during the reconciliation run, an attempt is made to reestablish the connection and resume reconciliation. This process is repeated until the number of records reconciled is equal to the number of records identified for reconciliation at the start of the run.


Reconciliation of a user record failed if the Full Name field contained commas.

This issue has been resolved. You can now reconcile records even if the Full Name field contains commas.


On the target system, if you do not want to set an expiry date for a user's account, then you enter Never in the Expiry Date field. This action is the same as setting the expiry date to 1-Jan-1970. Similarly, on Oracle Identity Manager, you leave the Expiry Date process form field empty if you do not want to set an expiry date for the user's target system account.

If the client computer and the target system host are set to different time zones, then the connector converts time stamp values sent from the client computer to GMT-relative time stamp values before storing them in the target system database. This conversion sometimes caused the 1-Jan-1970 value to be changed to 31-Dec-1969. When this happened, the user account was created and disabled at the same time.

The Target Locale: TimeZone parameter has been added in the IT resource. You use this parameter to specify the time zone of the target system. See "Defining IT Resources" for more information about this parameter.


The following is the format of the time-stamp filter applied to each target system record during reconciliation:

timestamp_record_updated >= last_reconciliation_run_timestamp

When this filter was applied, a record that was added or modified at the instant the reconciliation run ended was also reconciled. However, the application of the time-stamp filter caused the same record to be reconciled during the next reconciliation run.

This issue has been resolved.

The time-stamp filter cannot be changed to the following:

timestamp_record_updated > last_reconciliation_run_timestamp

As a workaround, one second is added to the time stamp recorded in the IT resource before the filter is applied during a reconciliation run. In other words, the filter is changed to the following:

timestamp_record_updated + 1 second >= last_reconciliation_run_timestamp

Application of this filter ensures that a record reconciled at the end of a reconciliation run is not reconciled during the next reconciliation run.


A provisioning operation failed if you entered the comma (,) or slash (/) character in the Full Name field.

This issue has been resolved. You can now enter special characters in the Full Name field during provisioning operations.

Software Updates in Release

The following are issues resolved in release

Bug Number Issue Resolution


The following problem was observed in earlier releases if you used this connector in conjunction with the password synchronization module:

You created a custom attribute in Microsoft Active Directory to track password changes that came from Oracle Identity Manager. This attribute did not work.

This issue has been resolved. The custom attribute that is created in Oracle Identity Manager when you deploy this patch set captures password change events originating from both Microsoft Active Directory and Oracle Identity Manager. You do not have to create a custom attribute in Microsoft Active Directory.

Note: For information about implementing this solution, see the release readme for the password synchronization module.


If a target system record contained a comma in the cn field, then the organization name was not correctly reconciled.

This issue has been resolved. See "User Provisioning" for information about supported special characters.

In the "Known Issues" chapter, the following point has been added:

Software Updates in Release

The following is a software update in release

Support for Specification of LDAP Query for Group Reconciliation

From this release onward, you can use an LDAP query to specify the groups that must be reconciled. You specify the LDAP query as the value of the CustomizedGroupReconQuery attribute of the ActiveDirectoryReconTask scheduled task. See "CustomizedGroupReconQuery Attribute" for information about this attribute.

Software Updates in Release

The following are issues resolved in release

Bug Number Issue Resolution

7719525 and 7685400

The connector did not support reconciliation or provisioning of multivalued attributes.

This issue has been resolved. The connector now supports reconciliation and provisioning of multivalued attributes.

To enable provisioning of multivalued attributes, the AD Multi Value Attribtes, AD Remove Multi Value Attributes, and AD Update Multi Value Attributes adapters have been added.

To enable reconciliation of multivalued attributes, the GroupMultiValueAttributes attribute has been added in the ActiveDirectoryReconTask scheduled task.

See "User Reconciliation Scheduled Task" for more information about this attribute.

In addition, you can now add new multivalued fields for reconciliation and provisioning. See the following sections for more information:


The connector could not be installed on Oracle Identity Manager release 9.0.3.x.

This issue has been resolved. The connector can now be installed on Oracle Identity Manager release 9.0.3.x and later releases.


A case-sensitive check was performed on attribute names in the Code Key column of the Lookup.ADReconciliation.FieldMap lookup definition. If the case (uppercase or lowercase) of an attribute name did not match the case of the attribute name on the target system, then reconciliation failed.

This issue has been resolved.

A case-sensitive check is not performed on attribute names in the Lookup.ADReconciliation.FieldMap lookup definition.


During trusted source reconciliation, the Email ID field of the Xellerate User was not updated.

This issue has been resolved. The Email ID field of the Xellerate User is now updated during trusted source reconciliation.

Software Updates in Release

The following are issues resolved in release

Bug Number Issue Resolution


During a group reconciliation run, only a maximum of 1000 groups could be reconciled.

This issue has been resolved. You can now reconcile more than 1000 groups during the same reconciliation run.

In addition, you can reconcile group records in which each group has more than 1000 members. Similarly, you can reconcile user records in which each user contains more than 1000 entries for multivalued attributes. For example, you can reconcile the record of a user who is a member of more than 1000 groups. The EnableRange attribute has been introduced to enable the reconciliation of user and group records that contain more than 1000 entries.

Documentation-Specific Updates

The following are documentation-specific updates in revision "13" of release

The following are documentation-specific updates in earlier revisions of release