1 About the Connector

Oracle Identity Manager automates access rights management, security, and provisioning of IT resources. Oracle Identity Manager connectors are used to integrate Oracle Identity Manager with third-party applications. This guide discusses the procedure to deploy the connector that is used to integrate Oracle Identity Manager with Microsoft Exchange.


Oracle Identity Manager connectors were referred to as resource adapters prior to the acquisition of Thor Technologies by Oracle.

This chapter contains the following sections:


In this guide, the term Oracle Identity Manager server refers to the computer on which Oracle Identity Manager is installed.

At some places in this guide, Microsoft Exchange have been referred to as target systems.

1.1 Certified Components

Table 1-1 lists the certified components for this connector.

Table 1-1 Certified Components

Item Requirement

Oracle Identity Manager

Oracle Identity Manager Release and any later BP in this release track

Note: In this guide, Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0.x has been used to denote Oracle Identity Manager release and future releases in the 9.1.0.x series that the connector supports.

Target systems

Microsoft Exchange 2003

Target system host platforms

Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Other systems

Microsoft Active Directory

Target system user account

Because this connector requires the Microsoft Active Directory connector for its functioning, the target system user account requirements are the same as the requirements for the Microsoft Active Directory connector.


JDK 1.4.2

1.2 Usage Recommendation

Depending on the Oracle Identity Manager version that you are using, you must deploy and use one of the following connectors:

  • If you are using an Oracle Identity Manager release that is or later and earlier than Oracle Identity Manager Release, then use the 9.0.4.x version of this connector.

  • If you are using Oracle Identity Manager Release or later, and earlier than Oracle Identity Manager 11g Release 1 PS1 (, then use the latest 9.1.x version of this connector.

  • If you are using Oracle Identity Manager 11g Release 1 PS1 ( or later, or Oracle Identity Manager 11g Release 2 BP06 ( or later, then use the latest 11.1.1.x version of this connector.

  • If you are using the Microsoft Exchange 9.1.x connector, then you must use the Microsoft Active Directory 9.1.x connector, and if you are using the Microsoft Exchange 11.1.1.x connector, then you must use the Microsoft Active Directory 11.1.1.x connector.

1.3 Reconciliation Module

Reconciliation involves duplicating in Oracle Identity Manager the creation of and modifications to user accounts on the target system. It is an automated process initiated by a scheduled task that you configure.

See Also:

The "Deployment Configurations of Oracle Identity Manager" section in Oracle Identity Manager Connector Concepts Guide for conceptual information about reconciliation configurations

The following target system fields are reconciled:

  • Display Name

  • Employee Type

  • Mobile Number

  • Pager Number

  • ObjectGUID

  • SAMAccountName

  • Mail

  • Mail Nick Name

  • Garbage Collection Period

  • Deleted Item Flags

  • Delivery Cont Length

  • Submission Cont Length

  • DB Over Hard Quota Limit

  • DB Over Quota Limit

  • DB Storage Quota

  • Exchange Recipient Limit

  • DB User Defaults

  • Exchange Hide From Address Lists

  • Employee ID

  • Street Address

  • Telephone Number

  • Other Telephone Number

  • Extension Attribute1

  • Extension Attribute2

  • Extension Attribute3

  • Extension Attribute4

  • Extension Attribute6

  • Extension Attribute8

  • Extension Attribute12

  • Extension Attribute15

  • Distinguished Name

1.4 Provisioning Module

Provisioning involves creating or modifying a user's account information on the target system through Oracle Identity Manager. You use the Oracle Identity Manager Administrative and User Console to perform provisioning operations.

See Also:

The "Deployment Configurations of Oracle Identity Manager" section in Oracle Identity Manager Connector Concepts Guide for conceptual information about provisioning

For this target system, the following fields are provisioned:

  • Email Alias

  • Display Name

  • Garbage Collection Period

  • Deleted Item Manager

  • Max Incoming Message Size

  • Max Outgoing Message Size

  • Mailbox Size Receipt Quota

  • Mailbox Size Transmit Quota

  • Mailbox Warning Size

  • Max Recipients Per Message

  • Use Storage Defaults

  • Hide From Address Lists

  • Rout Email

  • Employee Type

  • Registered Represent

  • Desk Location

  • PL Proceed

  • Company Address

  • Mailbox Type

  • Mobile Number

  • Pager Number

  • Routing Email Addr

  • Major Business Number

  • Other Business Number

  • ObjectGUID

1.5 Supported Functionality

The following table lists the functions that are available with this connector.

Process Task Type Description

Create Mailbox


Creates a mailbox in Microsoft Exchange

Delete Mailbox


Deletes a provisioned mailbox from Microsoft Exchange

Deleted Item Manager Updated


Updates the configuration of a mailbox in Microsoft Exchange according to a change in the Deleted Item Manager attribute

Disable Mailbox


Disables a provisioned mailbox in Microsoft Exchange

Display Name Updated


Updates the configuration of a mailbox in Microsoft Exchange according to a change in the Display Name attribute

Email Alias Updated


Updates the configuration of a mailbox in Microsoft Exchange according to a change in the Email Alias attribute

Enable Mailbox


Enables a disabled mailbox in Microsoft Exchange

Garbage Collection Period Updated


Updates the configuration of a mailbox in Microsoft Exchange according to a change in the Garbage Collection Period attribute

Hide From Address Lists Updated


Updates the configuration of a mailbox in Microsoft Exchange according to a change in the Hide From Address Lists attribute

Mailbox Size Receipt Quota Updated


Updates the configuration of a mailbox in Microsoft Exchange according to a change in the Mailbox Size Receipt Quota attribute

Mailbox Size Transmit Quota Updated


Updates the configuration of a mailbox in Microsoft Exchange according to a change in the Mailbox Size Transmit Quota attribute

Mailbox Warning Size Updated


Updates the configuration of a mailbox in Microsoft Exchange according to a change in the Mailbox Warning Size attribute

Max Incoming Message Size Updated


Updates the configuration of a mailbox in Microsoft Exchange according to a change in the Max Incoming Message Size attribute

Max Outgoing Message Size Updated


Updates the configuration of a mailbox in Microsoft Exchange according to a change in the Max Outgoing Message Size attribute

Max Recipients Per Message Updated


Updates the configuration of a mailbox in Microsoft Exchange according to a change in the Max Recipients Per Message attribute

Disable Mailbox Time Stamp Updated


Updates the configuration of a mailbox in Microsoft Exchange according to a change in the Disable Mailbox Time Stamp attribute

Set Exchange Related Properties


Updates certain important configurations of a mailbox in Microsoft Exchange

Use Storage Defaults Updated


Updates the configuration of a mailbox in Microsoft Exchange according to a change in the Use Storage Defaults attribute

Get ObjectGUID from Process


Retrieves the ObjectGUID (unique identifier in Microsoft Active Directory) for an existing provisioned Microsoft Active Directory user, for whom a Microsoft Exchange mailbox needs to be provisioned

Create Mailbox


Reconciles a mailbox from Microsoft Exchange into Oracle Identity Manager

1.6 Multilanguage Support

This release of the connector supports the following languages:

  • Arabic

  • Chinese Simplified

  • Chinese Traditional

  • Danish

  • English

  • French

  • German

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Portuguese (Brazilian)

  • Spanish

See Also:

Oracle Identity Manager Globalization Guide for information about supported special characters

1.7 Files and Directories on the Installation Media

The files and directories on the installation media are listed in the following table:

File in the Installation Media Directory Description

This JAR file contains the class files required for provisioning and reconciliation.

Files in the resources directory

Each of these resource bundle files contains language-specific information that is used by the connector.

Note: A resource bundle is a file containing localized versions of the text strings that are displayed on the user interface of Oracle Identity Manager. These text strings include GUI element labels and messages displayed on the Administrative and User Console.


This XML file contains definitions for the following components of the connector:

  • IT resource type

  • Custom process form

  • Process task and adapters (along with their mappings)

  • Resource object

  • Provisioning process

  • Pre-populate rules


This XML file contains the parameters for setting up the reconciliation scheduled task.

The "Copying the Connector Files" section provides instructions to copy these files into the required directories.

1.8 Determining the Release Number of the Connector

You might have a deployment of an earlier release of the connector. While deploying the latest release, you might want to know the release number of the earlier release. To determine the release number of the connector that has already been deployed:

  1. In a temporary directory, extract the contents of the following JAR file:

  2. Open the manifest.mf file in a text editor. The manifest.mf file is one of the files bundled inside the xliExchange.jar file.

    In the manifest.mf file, the release number of the connector is displayed as the value of the Version property.