This appendix describes messages generated by the Reconciliation Agent.
All Reconciliation Agent messages are prefixed withIDMV
.Message: IDMV000I Voyager Reconciliation Agent Starting
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Message: IDMV001I Voyager Input Parameters are OK
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: All parameters passed via PARM= statement were ok no errors.
Message: IDMV002I Voyager Build Level is at yyyymmddHHMM
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager Build yyyy = 4 digit year, mm = 2 digit month dd = 2 digit day, HH = 2 digit hour, MM = 2 digit month This was the year,month,day,hour and minute of the Pioneer Reconciliation Agent Production Build prior to Distribution.
Message: IDMV004I Voyager Detects (TCPIP) Jobname XXXXXXXX
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager has detected the TCPIP STC(Started Task) Name where XXXXXXXX is the STC name passed via the TCPN parameter and used for the connection to the LDAP Gateway.
Message: IDMP005I Pioneer Detects (TCPIP) IP Address of
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager will use this IP Address and PORT= to connect to the LDAP Gateway. This IP Address or Hostname is passed via PARM=, IPAD= parameter.
Message: IDMV006I Voyager Detects (TCPIP) IP PORT xxxx
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager will use the PORT= number in conjunction with the IPAD= parameter to connect to the LDAP gateway.
Message: IDMV007I Voyager Detects Encryption is ON
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager via ESIZE=16 will turn on 'enable' AES 128 encryption module for encryption of messages to/from LDAP.
Message: IDMV008I Voyager Detects Cache Delay Set to xx Secs
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager via DELAY= parameter will set a DELAY for polling Cache to xx Secs. This is only applicable to CA Top-Secret and RACF users only. All other users (ACF2) and initially should set this Parameter to DELAY=05 and increased if testing indicates.
Message: IDMV009I Voyager Detects Cache File Opened OK
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager's external Cache file on dasd has opened ok.
Message: IDMV010I Voyager Computing Cache Timer Delay successful
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager computed the DELAY= value correctly and will use it for polling cache. This is only applicable to CA Top-Secret and RACF users only.
Message: IDMV011I Voyager Detects Encryption
KVER xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager via ESIZE= parameter passed as a PARM= in the STC is using KVER xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for Encryption.
Message: IDMV012I Voyager Detects Debugging is ON
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager will use the DEBUG= parameter passed to provide detailed diagnostics for Oracle/IDF technical personnel. The output routes to the DEBUGOUT 'DD' statement in Voyager. Be aware if DEBUG=Y then there will be a lot of output placed into the JES2 queue.
Message: IDMV013I Voyager Detects Debugging is OFF
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager will use the DEBUG= parameter passed and no detailed diagnostics will route to the DEBUGOUT 'DD' statement in Voyager.
Message: IDMV014I Voyager Detects MVS retcodes of xxx
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager via the PRTNCODE= parameter passed will use this value for its return code when it is shutdown. The value of 'SHUTRC' will produce a 0000 return code and the value of 'TERMRC' will produce the return code greater than zero and that was contained in register 15 at time of shutdown.
Message: IDMV015I Voyager Detects Country Code of XX
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager has queried z/OS and retrieved the Country code of this system. This will be used in all conversions from EBCDIC to ASCII and ASCII to EBCDIC.
Message: IDMV016I Voyager Detects Hostname of
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager was passed via IPAD= parameter a Hostname instead Of an IP address and this will be used to connect to the LDAP Gateway.
Message: IDMV016E Voyager Detects Bad Hostname of
Message-Type: Error
Action Required: Investigate error
Description: Voyager was passed via IPAD= parameter a Hostname instead Of an IP address and this will be used to connect to the LDAP Gateway this Hostname was queried via the local DNS server(s) and failed to be resolved.
Message: IDMV019I Voyager Initialization of TCP API was Successful
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager has initialized the TCPIP stack successfully.
Message: IDMP019E Voyager Initialization of TCP API Failed RC: xx
Message-Type: Error
Action Required: Investigate error
Description: Voyager's initialization of the TCPIP API interface failed. A primary cause is a missing security subsystem (RACF,ACF2, Or Top-Secret) permit for facility 'bpx.*'
Message: IDMV020I Voyager Initialization of GETCLIENTID was Successful
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager has issued a GETCLIENTID and it was successful. This is normal for the client/socket server like Voyager.
Message: IDMV021I Voyager Accepting Messages on (OR)
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager will send/receive message to/from the LDAP gateway
on IP Address with PORT= or on Hostname - with PORT=
* Note: is an example, this would be the hostname
Of the LDAP gateway.
Message: IDMV021I Voyager Initialization of PTON was successful
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager successfully converted the IP address to the correct
addressing type to communicate to the LDAP gateway.
Message: IDMV021E Voyager Initialization of PTON failed RC: xx
Message-Type: Error
Action Required: Investigate
Description: Voyager failed during its conversion to numeric. The RC(return code) is documented in the following source. z/OS V1R9.0 Communication Server IP CICS Sockets Guide Manual – SC31-8807-04.
Message: IDMV025I Voyager Connected to Gateway Server
was successful
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager successfully connected to the LDAP Gateway using either IP address = or with PORT = xxxx.
Message: IDMV032I Voyager Connection Start Timer Begins
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager using PARM=, 'STARTDELAY=' will delay it's connection by xx secs specified in 'STARTDELAY='. The 'STARTDELAY=' timer started.
Message: IDMV033I Voyager Connection Start Timer Ends
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager using PARM=, 'STARTDELAY=' will delay it's connection by xx secs specified in 'STARTDELAY='. The 'STARTDELAY=' timer ended.
Message: IDMV050I Voyager Cache Polling Begins
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager has started polling its subpool 231 cache for events created by the installed product exits. This is a normal process for the real-time reconciliation agent.
Message: IDMV051I Voyager Cache Polling Ends
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager has ended its polling its subpool 231 cache for events created by the installed product exits. This is a normal process for the real-time reconciliation agent.
Message: IDMV100I Voyager Shutdown Started
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager Shutdown has started via a z/OS Modify command.
Message: IDMV101I Voyager Reconciliation Agent Has Terminated
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager has been terminated.
Message: IDMV102I Voyager has Ended with Zero Return Codes
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager has ended with a zero MVS Condition code. This condition was set with the PRTNCODE=SHUTRC parameter.
Message: IDMV103I Voyager has Ended with Non-Zero Return Code
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager has ended with a non-zero MVS Condition code. This condition was set with the PRTNCODE=TERMRC parameter.
Message: IDMV104I Voyager sent messages xxxxxx received messages xxxxxx
Message-Type: Informational – Shutdown Statistic
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager shutdown statistic on amount of work done.
Message: IDMV102E Voyager Cache Dasd File Not be Found
Message-Type: Error
Action Required: Investigate
Description: Voyager Cache dasd file used for recovery was not found and Voyager will abend.
Message: IDMV130I Voyager Operator Interface now Open for 30 Seconds
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager Modify Operator interface is now open for commands.
Message: IDMV130I Voyager Operator Interface now Closed
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager Modify Operator interface is now closed and no more Modify commands are accepted.
Message: IDMV151I Voyager DNS Request
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager via IPAD= has been asked to use a DNS hostname instead of an IP Address to connect to the LDAP gateway.
Message: IDMV152I Voyager IP Connect Request
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager via IPAD= has been asked to use an IP address instead of a hostname to connect to the LDAP gateway.
Message: IDMV200E Voyager Startup Parameter Error xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager had a startup PARM= error, indicated by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Message: IDMV200I Voyager unable to connect to the Gateway
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager was unable to connect to the LDAP Gateway either Via hostname or IP Address, Voyager will retry the connection. This message and IDMV201I usually are together.
Message: IDMV201I Voyager connection to the Gateway failed
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager was unable to connect to the LDAP Gateway either Via hostname or IP Address, Voyager will retry the connection. This message and IDMV200I are usually together.
Message: IDMV202E Voyager no Storage Token Found
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager was unable to find the required subpool 231 storage token, Voyager will terminate.
Message: IDMV202I Voyager Unable to Connect to new IP/Port
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager's IP address and port were swapped via a Modify command and it could not connect to the LDAP using that combination.
Message: IDMV203E Voyager Quiescing Because of the subpool Not found.
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager is shutting down because of a missing Storage token for the subpool, required for normal operations.
Message: IDMV204E Voyager subpool 231 cannot be found
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager went to poll the subpool 231 (cache) for events And the subpool was not there. This will result in Voyager Quiescing and shutting down.
Message: IDMV300I *Debug* - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Message-Type: Error
Action Required: None
Description: Voyager will display this statement when DEBUG=Y is on and Output will route to // DEBUGOUT 'DD'.
Message: IDMV305I Voyager Debugging Was Turned XXX
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Dsecription: An Operator Command has either turned Debugging 'ON' or 'OFF'. If turned 'ON' and debugging is 'ON' Voyager takes no action. If debugging is 'OFF' the Voyager will turn 'ON' debugging and route all debug Output to z/OS Sysout/Sysprint.
Message: IDMV306I Voyager Received Status Query an is Alive
Message-Type: Informational
Action Required: None
Dsecription: An Operator Command has asked Voyager for a STATUS.