What's New in Oracle Identity Manager Connector for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne User Management?

This chapter provides an overview of the updates made to the software and documentation for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne User Management connector in release


Release of the connector comes after release Release numbers from through have not been used.

The updates discussed in this chapter are divided into the following categories:

Software Updates

The following sections discuss software updates:

Software Updates in Release

The following are software updates in release

Separate JAR Files for Provisioning and Reconciliation

The JDEConnector.jar file has been split into two files, JDEConnectorProv.jar and JDEConnectorRecon.jar. Corresponding changes have been made in the following sections:

New Connector XML Files

The connector XML file for target resource reconciliation has been changed from JDEResourceObject.xml to JDEConnectorResourceObject.xml.

The connector XML file for trusted source reconciliation has been changed from JDEXLResourceObject.xml to JDEConnectorXLResourceObject.xml.

See "Files and Directories on the Installation Media" for more information.

Software Updates in Release

The following are the software update in release

Using the Connector Installer

From Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0 onward, the Administrative and User Console provides the Connector Installer feature. This feature can be used to automate the connector installation procedure.

See "Installing the Connector on Oracle Identity Manager Release 9.1.0.x or Release 11.1.1" for details.

Support for New Target System

From this release onward, the connector adds support for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.98 and Application 8.12 as a target system.

This target system has been mentioned in the "Verifying Deployment Requirements" section.

Software Updates in Release

The following is a software update in release

Support for Mapping New Attributes for Reconciliation and Provisioning

From this release onward, the connector enables you to map new target system attributes with Oracle Identity Manager attributes for reconciliation and provisioning.

To enable support for mapping new attributes for reconciliation and provisioning operations, the Configuration Lookup parameter has been added to the IT resource definition. You use this parameter to specify the name of the lookup definition that stores configuration information used during connector operations.

See the following sections for more information:

Software Updates in Release

The following are the software updates in release

Support for New Oracle Identity Manager Release

From this release onward, the connector can be installed and used on Oracle Identity Manager 11g release 1 (11.1.1). Where applicable, instructions specific to this Oracle Identity Manager release have been added in the guide.

See Section 1.1, "Certified Components" for the full list of certified Oracle Identity Manager releases.

Support for Request-Based Provisioning

From this release onward, the connector provides support for request-based provisioning on Oracle Identity Manager 11g release 1 (11.1.1).

See Section 3.5.2, "Request-Based Provisioning" for more information.

Documentation-Specific Updates

The following sections discuss documentation-specific updates:

Documentation-Specific Updates in Release

The following are the documentation-specific updates in release

Documentation-Specific Updates in Release

The following is a documentation-specific updates in release

Documentation-Specific Updates in Release

The following are documentation-specific updates in release