5 Testing and Troubleshooting

After you deploy the connector, you must test it to ensure that it functions as expected. This chapter discusses the following topics related to connector testing:

5.1 Running Test Cases

You can use the testing utility to identify the cause of problems associated with connecting to the target system and performing basic operations on the target system.

To use the testing utility:

  1. Specify the required values in the global.properties file.

    This file is in the OIM_HOME/Xellerate/SAP_EP/test/Troubleshoot directory. The following table describes the sections of this file in which you must provide information for running the tests:

    Section Information

    SAP Enterprise Portal connection Parameters

    Connection parameters required to connect to the target system

    See Section, "Configuring the IT Resource" for information about the values that you must provide.

    Create User Parameters

    Field information required to create a user profile

    Modify User Parameters

    This covers multiple sections of parameters that are used to modify user profile information.

    Delete User Parameters

    Field information required to delete a user profile

    Reconciliation information

    The From Date time stamp

    The To Date is set to the current date and time by default.

  2. Add all the JAR files mentioned in the "Copying the Connector Files and External Code Files" section to the CLASSPATH environment variable. In addition, you need to add the JAR files in the following directories to the CLASSPATH environment variable:

    Sample commands for setting the CLASSPATH environment variable is given in the global.properties file.



  3. Create an ASCII-format copy of the global.properties file as follows:


    You must perform this procedure every time you make a change in the contents of the global.properties file.

    1. In a command window, change to the following directory:


    2. Enter the following command:

      native2ascii global.properties troubleshoot.properties

      The troubleshoot.properties file is created when you run the native2ascii command. The contents of this file are an ASCII-format copy of the contents of the global.properties file.

  4. Perform the following tests:

    • Enter the following command to create a user:

      java -DTproperties=OIM_HOME/Xellerate/SAP_EP/test/Troubleshoot/troubleShoot.properties -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/OIM_HOME/Xellerate/SAP_EP/test/Troubleshoot/log.properties troubleshoot.TroubleShootUtility C
    • Enter the following command to modify a user:

      java -DTproperties=OIM_HOME/Xellerate/SAP_EP/test/Troubleshoot/troubleShoot.properties -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/OIM_HOME/Xellerate/SAP_EP/test/Troubleshoot/log.properties troubleshoot.TroubleShootUtility M
    • Enter the following command to delete a user:

      java -DTproperties=OIM_HOME/Xellerate/SAP_EP/test/Troubleshoot/troubleShoot.properties -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/OIM_HOME/Xellerate/SAP_EP/test/Troubleshoot/log.properties troubleshoot.TroubleShootUtility D
    • Enter the following command to test reconciliation:

      java -DTproperties=OIM_HOME/Xellerate/SAP_EP/test/Troubleshoot/troubleShoot.properties -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/OIM_HOME/Xellerate/SAP_EP/test/Troubleshoot/log.properties troubleshoot.TroubleShootUtility R

5.1.1 Testing Partial Reconciliation

To test query-based reconciliation, you can specify the following types of query conditions as values for the CustomizedReconQuery parameter:

  • Simple query with user attributes

    Value assigned to the CustomizedReconQuery parameter: firstname=John

    The users with first name John are reconciled.

  • Query consisting of '&' or '|' logical operator


    • The query condition cannot contain both '&' and '|' operators. You must use only one of these operators in any particular query.

    • A query condition containing both the '|' operator and the TimeStamp attribute is not supported.

    Value assigned to the CustomizedReconQuery parameter: firstname=John&lastname=Doe&email=John@example.com

    The users with first name John, the users with last name Doe, and the users with e-mail address John@example.com are reconciled.

  • Query consisting of logical operators and lookup code

    Value assigned to the CustomizedReconQuery parameter: firstname=John&lastname=Doe&email=John@example.com&country=US

    The users with first name John and last name Doe, and the users with e-mail address John@example.com, who are located in the United States, are reconciled.

  • Query consisting of roles only

    Value assigned to the CustomizedReconQuery parameter: Role= pcd:portal_content/mycompany/RL_DEMO


    You cannot specify more than one role name in the query condition.

    The users who belong to the pcd:portal_content/mycompany/RL_DEMO role are reconciled.

  • Query consisting of groups only

    Value assigned to the CustomizedReconQuery parameter: Groups=group01


    You cannot specify more than one group name in the query condition.

    The users who belong to the group01 group are reconciled.

  • Query consisting of the LIKE (*) operator

    Value assigned to the CustomizedReconQuery parameter:

    • firstname=*ohn

      The users having the ohn string in their first name are reconciled.

    • firstname=Joh*

      The users having the Joh string in their first name are reconciled.


    The LIKE operator (*) can be the prefix or suffix. It cannot be used in the middle of the attribute value.

    If you want to use the locale or timezone attributes in the query condition, then provide the Code key value of the Lookup.SAP.EP.Language or Lookup.SAP.EP.TimeZone lookup definition, respectively.

    For example, value assigned to the CustomizedReconQuery parameter:



5.2 Troubleshooting

The following sections list solutions to some commonly encountered issues associated with this connector:

5.2.1 Connection Errors

The following table lists solutions to some commonly encountered connection errors.

Problem Description Solution

Oracle Identity Manager cannot establish a connection to SAP Enterprise Portal.

Returned Error Message:

SAP Connection exception

Returned Error Code:


  • Ensure that SAP Enterprise Portal is running and that the sapum.properties file has been correctly configured.

  • Ensure that Oracle Identity Manager is running (that is, the database is running).

  • Ensure that all the adapters have been compiled.

  • Examine the Oracle Identity Manager record (from the IT Resources form). Ensure that the IP address, admin ID, and admin password are correct.

Target not available

Returned Error Message:

Target Server not available

Connection error - unable to create SAP Enterprise Portal Connection.

Returned Error Code:


  • Ensure that SAP Enterprise Portal is running.

  • Ensure that the specified SAP Enterprise Portal connection values are correct.

Authentication error

Returned Error Message:

Authentication error

Returned Error Code:


Ensure that the specified SAP Enterprise Portal connection user ID and password are correct.

5.2.2 Create User Errors

The following table lists solutions to some commonly encountered Create User errors.

Problem Description Solution

Oracle Identity Manager cannot create a user

Returned Error Message:

Required information missing

Returned Error Code:


Ensure that the following information has been provided:

  • User ID

  • User first name

  • User last name

  • User password

  • User e-mail address

Oracle Identity Manager cannot create a user

Returned Error Message:

User already exists in SAP EP

Returned Error Code:


User with the assigned ID already exists in SAP Enterprise Portal. Assign a new ID to this user, and try again.

Oracle Identity Manager cannot create a user

Returned Error Message:

Could not create user

Returned Error Code:


User could not be created because of any one of the following reasons:

  • The Change Password function failed.

  • Values for mandatory fields have not been specified.

5.2.3 Delete User Errors

The following table lists solutions to some commonly encountered Delete User errors.

Problem Description Solution

Oracle Identity Manager cannot delete a user.

Returned Error Message:

Require information missing

Returned Error Code:


Ensure that the required information has been provided. In this case, the required information is the user ID.

Oracle Identity Manager cannot delete a user.

Returned Error Message:

User does not exist

Returned Error Code:


The specified user does not exist in SAP Enterprise Portal.

5.2.4 Modify User Errors

The following table lists solutions to some commonly encountered Modify User errors.

Problem Description Solution

Oracle Identity Manager cannot update new information about the user.

Returned Error Message:

Could not modify user

Returned Error Code:


Generic error. Review the log for more details.

Oracle Identity Manager cannot update a user.

Returned Error Message:

User does not exist

Returned Error Code:


The specified user does not exist in SAP Enterprise Portal. Check the user ID.

5.2.5 Child Data Errors

The following table lists solutions to some commonly encountered Child Data errors.

Problem Description Solution

Oracle Identity Manager cannot add a user to a group.

Returned Error Message:

Group does not exist

Returned Error Code:


The specified group does not exist in SAP Enterprise Portal. Check the name of the group.

Oracle Identity Manager cannot add a role to a user

Returned Error Message:

Role does not exist

Returned Error Code:


The specified role for the user in Oracle Identity Manager does not exist in SAP Enterprise Portal. Check the role name.

Trying to add a duplicate value to a group or role.

Returned Error Message:

Role has already been assigned to user

Selected group is already assigned to user

Returned Error Code:



The user has already been added to the particular profile or role.