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Oracle® Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for Oracle Application Server
Release 9.1.0

Part Number E10368-03
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3 Installing and Configuring Oracle Application Server for Oracle Identity Manager

This chapter explains how to set up Oracle Application Server before installing Oracle Identity Manager. You must perform the following tasks described in this chapter:


Follow the instructions in Chapter 9, "Deploying in a Clustered Oracle Application Server Configuration" if you are deploying Oracle Identity Manager on clustered Oracle Application Server.

Installing Oracle Application Server

When you run the Oracle SOA Suite installer program, you must choose the Advanced Install option and choose the J2EE Server and Web Server option on the Select Installation Type page.

Ensure that you select Configure this as an Administrator OC4J instance option to install the administrative application on the server.

After the installer finishes, the OC4J instance within your Oracle Application Server instance starts automatically.

Change the shell limits specific to the operating system as specified in the installation guides to ensure stable performance of Oracle Identity Manager.


Oracle strongly recommends that you must change the shell limits specific to your operating system to resolve many Oracle Identity Manager runtime issues. For more information, refer to the "Requirements" section of the Oracle Application Server Installation Guide for 10gRelease 3 ( for your operating system.

Upgrading Oracle Application Server from Version to Version

Ensure that you have upgraded Oracle Application Server from version to version

To check the version of Oracle Application Server that you currently use:

  1. Ensure that Oracle Application Server's Java binary (ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin) is in PATH.

  2. Run the following command from ORACLE_HOME\j2ee\OC4J_INSTANCE\java -jar oc4j.jar version.

    The information that appears should be similar to the following example:

    Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( (build 070610.1800.23513)

Creating OC4J Instance

Oracle recommends that you create an OC4J instance for installing Oracle Identity Manager, so that the default home OC4J instance can be used only for hosting administrative application.

This makes it possible for restarting the instance where the Oracle Identity Manager is deployed using the administrative console. Note that the administrative console application is deployed to the default home instance.

To create an OC4J instance:

  1. Log in to the administrative application server console, click the name of the application server, and then click Create OC4J Instance.

  2. Enter the OC4J instance name, select Add to a new group with name, and then enter a new group name.

Applying Oracle Application Server Patches

The following patches may be specific to version of Oracle Application Server:


  • If you are running Oracle Identity Manager on any other version of Oracle Application Server, then contact Oracle to get the patches for that version of Oracle Application Server. Patches and instructions on how to apply those patches can be downloaded from the OracleMetaLink Web site at:

  • If you are installing Oracle Identity Manager in Microsoft Windows Vista, then you must set the environment variable OPATCH_PLATFORM_ID to 207.

  1. Install OPatch patch 2617419.

  2. Install Oracle Application Server patch 6685235.

  3. Install Oracle Application Server patch 5389650.

  4. Install Oracle Application Server patch 6454278.

  5. Open ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_INSTANCE/config/rmi.xml. Add max-server-sockets="200" as below:



    OC4J_INSTANCE is the instance of Oracle Application Server on which Oracle Identity Manager is deployed.

Setting the RMI Port Number Range

The Oracle Process Manager and Notification server (OPMN) dynamically assigns port numbers to each OC4J instance within your Oracle Application Server instance. To ensure you can access the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console and Administrative and User Console on Oracle Application Server, you must set the RMI port number range to be unique in the ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml file. Perform the following steps to set a unique RMI port number range:

  1. Open the ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml file with a text editor.

  2. Locate the <port id="rmi" range="12401-12500"/> entry for the instance you will install Oracle identity Manager on.

  3. Choose one of the ports for RMI within the range of 12401 and 12500.

    For example:

    <port id="rmi" range="12408"/>


    When you install Oracle Identity Manager on the installer's Application Server Information page, you must enter the RMI port number you set in the opmn.xml file in the RMI Port No field.
  4. Save and close the opmn.xml file and restart the OC4J instance.

For Oracle Application Server clusters, repeat these steps on each node in the cluster so that each opmn.xml file contains the same unique port number.

Setting Environment Variables

After you have verified that Oracle Identity Manager is using the JDK included with Oracle Application Server (refer to "Verifying the Java JDK Version" for more information), complete the following steps to set your environment variables:

For Microsoft Windows

  1. From the Windows Start Menu, select Settings, Control Panel, System, Advanced, and then select Environment Variables.

    In the scroll box labeled System Variables, select Path, then click Edit.

    In the Variable Value field, add the location of your JDK to the beginning of the existing path. For example, if your existing path is the following:

    %SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;C:\Program Files;

    Change it to the following:

    ORACLE_HOME\jdk\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;C:\Program Files

    Click OK to commit your change.

  2. In the System Variables list, search for JAVA_HOME.

    If JAVA_HOME does not exist, complete Step a. If JAVA_HOME exists, complete Step b.

    1. Click New. In the Variable Name field, enter JAVA_HOME. In the field labeled Variable Value field, enter the path to the JDK, for example: ORACLE_HOME\jdk.

      Click OK to commit your entries, then click OK twice more to close the Environment Variables and System Properties windows, respectively.

    2. Click Edit. Verify that the path to the JDK exists in the field labeled Variable Value field. If it does not exist, enter the path in the Variable Value field, for example: ORACLE_HOME\jdk.

      Click OK to commit your entry, then click OK twice more to close the Environment Variables and System Properties windows, respectively.


      A message might appear prompting you to update the JDK. Close this window without updating the JDK, because Oracle Identity Manager Release 9.1.0 for Oracle Application Server requires that you use the JDK included with Oracle Application Server.


  1. To set the JAVA_HOME variable, run the following command:

    export JAVA_HOME=ORACLE_HOME/jdk
  2. To set the Java binary in the PATH variable, run the following command:

    export PATH=ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin:$PATH

Verifying the Java JDK Version

Oracle Identity Manager for Oracle Application Server requires you to use the JDK included with Oracle Application Server. Remove any other JDK versions from your system.

The following procedure explains how to verify that the correct version of the Java JDK is used by Oracle Identity Manager. To verify on a Microsoft Windows system:

  1. Open a console window.

  2. Enter java -version

    For example, the information that appears should look like the following:

    C:\>java -version
    java version "1.5.0_06"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_06-b05)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_06-b05, mixed mode) 

Creating a Backup of the Oracle Application Server Configuration

It is recommended that you create a backup of the Oracle Application Server at regular intervals during the process of Oracle Identity Manager installation. Creating a backup makes it possible to rollback the changes if you run into any issues.

Preparing Oracle Application Server for Backup

You must prepare the Oracle Application Server before you create a backup of the configuration. This is to be performed only once. You do not need to perform this procedure each time you create a backup of the configuration.

To prepare the Oracle Application Server configuration for backup:

  1. Create a directory named backupfiles under the ORACLE_HOME/backup_restore/ directory.

  2. Edit ORACLE_HOME/backup_restore/config/config.inp and change all instances of VALUE_NOT_SET to ORACLE_HOME/backup_restore/backupfiles under the REQUIRED PARAMETERS section only.

  3. For Microsoft Windows, open a command prompt and run:


    For UNIX, open shell and run:

  4. Go to the ORACLE_HOME/backup_restore/ directory and run:

    bkp_restore.bat -m configure

Creating a Backup of the Configuration

To create a backup of the Oracle Application Server configuration, run the following script from the ORACLE_HOME/backup_restore/ directory:

bkp_restore.bat -m backup_instance_cold

Restoring the Configuration

If you want to restore the Oracle Application Server configuration, then run the following script from the ORACLE_HOME/backup_restore/ directory:

bkp_restore.bat -m restore_instance

This will list out all the available timings. Then, you can use the -t option to restore the configuration. For example:

bkp_restore.bat -m restore_instance -t 2006-09-21_06-12-45


The instructions to restore the configuration are given for reference only. For more information about creating a backup of the Oracle Application Server configuration, see "Chapter 17: Backup Strategy and Procedures" in the Oracle Application Server Administrator's Guide.