B Silent Mode Installations and Deinstallations

This appendix describes how to perform a silent mode installation or deinstallation of Oracle Fail Safe.

The following topics are discussed in this appendix:

B.1 Introduction to Silent Mode Installations and Deinstallations

A silent mode installation or deinstallation is a mode that lets you install or deinstall software by supplying input to Oracle Universal Installer in a file, rather than through the Oracle Universal Installer graphical user interface (GUI).

If you are performing multiple installations or deinstallations of Oracle Fail Safe that are identical or similar to each other, you may want to run Oracle Universal Installer in silent mode to automate the process. You do this by editing a file, called a response file, that is supplied with Oracle Fail Safe.

A response file contains the answers that you typically provide in an interactive installation or deinstallation session. By providing all input in a response file, which you run using the command-line interface or in batch mode, you eliminate the need for direct interaction from the user, and a GUI is not displayed.

To perform a silent installation or deinstallation with a response file, use the command-line mode or a batch script to start Oracle Universal Installer and enable the response file.

A silent installation or deinstallation is the only alternative to using the Oracle Universal Installer GUI; there is no character-mode version of Oracle Universal Installer.


You cannot use response files to reinstall Oracle Fail Safe. If you need to reinstall Oracle Fail Safe, you must use the Oracle Universal Installer interface to perform the reinstallation, or you must first deinstall Oracle Fail Safe and then use response files to install the software again.

B.1.1 Selecting a Response File

Three different response file templates are available on the Oracle Fail Safe CD-ROM. These response files help you to set up Oracle Fail Safe installations and deinstallations in silent mode. Although each template file performs a different type of installation, you can use any one of them to perform a deinstallation.

To perform a silent installation, choose a response file template that corresponds to the desired installation type. The template files are located on the CD-ROM in the \stage\Response directory. Sample response files have also been provided.

The template files, samples, and their corresponding installation types are listed in the following table:

Template Name Sample Name Installation Type
oracle.failsafe.complete.typical.rsp failsafe.typical.rsp Typical installationFoot 1 
oracle.failsafe.complete.client.rsp failsafe.client.rsp Client Only installation
oracle.failsafe.complete.custom.rsp failsafe.custom.rsp Custom installation

Footnote 1 The Typical installation type installs all of the Oracle Fail Safe components.

B.1.2 Validating Values from the Response File

During an installation or deinstallation session, Oracle Universal Installer retrieves and uses values from the response file according to the conditions described in the following list:

  • If the response file does not contain values for one or more required variables, then Oracle Universal Installer stops the installation or deinstallation.

  • If any variable that is specified in the response file contains invalid content, format, or type value, then Oracle Universal Installer ignores the specified value.

  • If any variable is specified outside of a response file section, then Oracle Universal Installer ignores the variable.

B.1.3 Locating the silentInstall.log File

When you perform a silent installation or deinstallation, the success or failure of the operation is recorded in a file named silentInstall.log. The file is located in the Oracle installation log area, such as C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs.

Oracle Universal Installer does not write to the log file until after the silent installation or deinstallation has completed.

B.2 Steps for a Silent Mode Installation or Deinstallation

The following steps describe how to customize the variables in a response file and enable Oracle Universal Installer to use the file for a silent mode installation or deinstallation.

Step 1    Copy the response file template from the CD-ROM.

Make a copy of the original response file templates (located on the CD-ROM in the \stage\Response directory) to use as the basis for your response file. Retain the original files for use as templates.

You might want to make several copies of a response file, each with a different purpose, and specify a different name for each one. For example, you might have a response file named failsafemanager.rsp that performs only Oracle Fail Safe Manager installations.

Step 2    Edit the response file.

Edit the response file to specify options for your Oracle Fail Safe installation.


Before editing the response file, read Section B.3, which contains important information about editing the variables in the response file.

The response file templates contain all of the Oracle Fail Safe installation variables for the corresponding installation type. There are variables that specify the name of the Oracle home where you want to install Oracle Fail Safe, the installation type (Typical, Custom, or Client Only), and the account user name and password for the Oracle Fail Safe service. You can use any one of the response file templates for a deinstallation.

In the response files, each variable is documented using comment lines that begin with a number sign (#). The comments contain information about the type of the variable, whether the variable is displayed in a dialog box, and the function of the variable.

The following sections describe how to perform the installations or a deinstallation. Except where noted, the variables respond in the same way, in each of the response file templates. The variables used in the following sections are also documented in Table B-1, Table B-2, and Table B-3.

For All Installation Types:  Edit the following variables to specify the name of the Oracle home where you want to install Oracle Fail Safe:



For a Typical Installation: To install all Oracle Fail Safe components:

  1. Use the oracle.failsafe.complete.typical.rsp response file template.

  2. Locate the INSTALL_TYPE variable in the [oracle.failsafe.complete_3.] Component section and make sure the value is INSTALL_TYPE="Typical". (This is the default setting.)

  3. Locate the DomainUserName and Pwd variables at the end of the file. Edit these variables with the account domain, user name, and password needed by Oracle Fail Safe.

For a Client Only Installation:  To install Oracle Fail Safe Manager only:

  1. Use the oracle.failsafe.complete.client.rsp response file template.

  2. Locate the INSTALL_TYPE variable in the [oracle.failsafe.complete_3.] Component section and ensure that the value is INSTALL_TYPE="install_type_1". (This is the default value.)

For a Custom Installation:  To perform a customized installation of Oracle Fail Safe:

  1. Use the oracle.failsafe.complete.custom.rsp response file template.

  2. Locate the INSTALL_TYPE variable in the [oracle.failsafe.complete_3.] Component section and make sure the value is INSTALL_TYPE="Custom" (this is the default value).

  3. Locate the DomainUserName and Pwd variables at the end of the file. Edit these variables with the account domain, user name, and password needed by Oracle Fail Safe.

  4. Specify the components to be installed in the DEPENDENCY_LIST variable.

For a Deinstallation: To perform a deinstallation:

  1. Use any one of the response file templates.

  2. Update the variables described in Table B-2. These are the only variables of concern for a deinstallation.

Step 3   Run Oracle Universal Installer in silent mode.

On each system where you want to install or deinstall Oracle Fail Safe, run Oracle Universal Installer using the following command syntax at the command-line prompt or in a batch file:

E:\stage\Disk1\install\setup.exe -responseFile filename -silent [-nowelcome | -deinstall]

In the example, E: is the drive letter for the CD-ROM. The following list explains the syntax in the command line:

  • setup.exe runs Oracle Universal Installer.

  • -responseFile indicates that you are supplying a response file for this installation.

  • filename specifies the full path name of the response file that you want to use to provide input to Oracle Universal Installer.

  • -silent indicates that you want to run Oracle Universal Installer in silent mode.

  • -nowelcome is an optional command parameter that suppresses the welcome dialog box that is displayed during an installation.

  • -deinstall specifies that the response file is to be used for a deinstallation. If this qualifier is not specified, then an installation is assumed.

The Oracle Fail Safe silent installation and deinstallation are case-sensitive. You must enter all command-line syntax exactly as shown in this chapter (for example, the -responseFile parameter must be entered using all lowercase characters, except for the F). You must enter the file specification by using the case shown in Microsoft Windows Explorer (for example, C:\Ofs\Silent_Install\OfsProducts.rsp).

The following command performs an Oracle Fail Safe installation in silent mode by reading all required installation information from the failsafe.rsp file:

E:\stage\Disk1\install\setup.exe -responseFile C:\failsafe.rsp -silent -nowelcome

The following command performs an Oracle Fail Safe deinstallation in silent mode by reading the deinst_failsafe.rsp file:

E:\stage\Disk1\install\setup.exe -responseFile C:\deinst_failsafe.rsp -silent -deinstall

Step 4   Delete the installation response file or move it to a secure location.

Because the response file for an installation specifies the domain, user name, and password information in the DomainUserName and Pwd variables, ensure that you either delete the response file for an installation or move it to a secure location on your system after the installation is completed.

B.3 Contents of a Response File

The next three sections in this appendix describe the contents of the response file templates that are provided with Oracle Fail Safe. Edit the variables in your copy of the file to contain the responses you would need to provide during the Oracle Fail Safe installation session. Use the following format when you specify values for variables in the response file:

variable name = recommendation : value

Set the variable name and value parameters as described in Table B-1, Table B-2, and Table B-3. Set the optional recommendation variable to either Forced or Default, as follows:

  • Forced: does not display the setting for the value parameter during installation or deinstallation; the user cannot change any variable values during the silent installation or deinstallation.

  • Default: displays the default setting for the value parameter during the installation or deinstallation and allows the user to choose another value.

Each response file contains at least three sections: General, Session, and one or more Component sections. Each section begins with a line that specifies the section name in brackets (for example, the General section begins with [General]).


Use a response file only to perform silent installations or deinstallations for Oracle Fail Safe. Do not use the response files that are provided with Oracle Fail Safe to install or deinstall any other products.

B.3.1 General Section

The General section is an informational section that contains the version number of the response file. There is only one General section for each response file. For example:


Do not edit information in the General section.

B.3.2 Session Section

The Session section lists predefined (generic) dialogs for Oracle Universal Installer and shows whether the dialogs are visible to the user.

The Session section also lists global variables that are set during one installation or deinstallation session (from the start of the installation or deinstallation to the end of installation or deinstallation). These variables include top-level components and languages.

If you are performing an installation, then the variables used only for deinstallation are ignored. Similarly, if you are performing a deinstallation, then the variables used only for installation are ignored. For example, if you specify -deinstall on the command line, then any value you have set for the FROM_LOCATION variable is ignored.


When you specify the -silent qualifier on the command line, none of the installation (or deinstallation) dialog boxes are displayed, regardless of the variable settings in this section.

The only variables that are used during an installation when you specify the -silent qualifier are the following:






The only variables that are used during an deinstallation when you specify the -silent qualifier are the following:




Table B-1 provides a list of the variables in the Session section that can be used in a silent mode installation.

Table B-2 provides a list of the variables in the Session section that can be used in a silent mode deinstallation.

Table B-1  Variables for the Session Section for a Silent Mode Installation

Variable Name Value Type Required?


Specifies the "From" location in the installer, which is a directory path containing the source of the products to be installed.




Specifies the label of the CD-ROM where the products.jar file exists. The label can be found in the file "disk.label" in the same directory as products.jar. This variable should be used only in multi-CD-ROM installations.




Specifies whether or not you will be permitted to go back to the File Locations page for another installation. If you want to process another response file, this flag must be set to True.




Specifies whether or not you will be permitted to run another session even if the current installation has failed. This variable is active only if NEXT_SESSION is set to True.




Specifies the full path of the response file for the next session. If only a file name is specified, the response file is retrieved from the TEMP\OraInstall directory. This variable is active only if NEXT_SESSION is set to true.




Specifies the "To" location in the installer where products are to be installed. For example, "C:\OFS" (use quotation marks).




Specifies the name of the current Oracle home. For example, "OracleFailSafe" (use quotation marks).




Specifies an alternative directory location for the installation. Specify False to prevent the location of the installation directory from being changed.




Specifies whether or not the custom tree page in the installer will be displayed during a custom installation, which lets you select or deselect dependencies on the custom tree page. Set the value to True if you want to show the custom tree page in the installer and allow dependencies to be selected or deselected. Specify False to suppress it.




Specifies whether or not the installation success/failure page will be displayed at the end of an installation. Set the value to True to show the page. Specify False to suppress it.




Specifies whether or not confirmation is shown when exiting the installer. Specify True to display confirmation. Specify False to suppress it.




Specifies whether or not the current status (including which product is being installed and which file is being copied) is displayed during the installation. Set the value to True to show the current status. Specify False to suppress it.




Specifies whether or not the release notes available for the products just installed will be displayed. Set to True to show the release notes at the end of the installation. Specify False to suppress the display of the release notes.




Specifies whether or not the required configuration tools that are a part of this installation, including the status of each tool and any tool failures that were detected, are displayed. Set the value to True to show the display. Specify False to suppress it.




Not applicable (NA).




Specifies whether or not the splash screen for Oracle Universal Installer will be displayed. Set to true to display the initial splash screen for the Oracle Universal Installer. Set to false to suppress the display.




Specifies whether or not to display the summary page, which lists the components that will be installed in this session. Set this value to true to display the summary page. Specify false to suppress it.




Specifies whether or not to display the welcome page. Set to true to display the welcome page. Specify false to suppress it.




Specifies the name of the Oracle Fail Safe component and version as a string list. Specify the components as a pair of strings: The first one represents the internal name and the second represents the version. For example, {"oracle.failsafe.complete",""}.



Table B-2  Variables for the Session Section for a Silent Mode Deinstallation

Variable Name Value Type Required?


Specifies the list of components to be deinstalled. To deinstall all Oracle Fail Safe components, specify:

{"oracle.failsafe.complete", ""}




Specifies the location in the installer where the Oracle Fail Safe product is currently installed. For example, "C:\OFS" (use quotation marks).




Specifies the name of the current Oracle home. For example, "OracleFailSafe" (use quotation marks).




Specifies whether or not to confirm deinstallation during a deinstallation session. Set to true to confirm deinstallation. Set to false to suppress confirmation.




Specifies whether or not to display deinstallation progress during a deinstallation session. Set to true to display deinstallation progress. Set to false to suppress it.



B.3.3 Component Section of the Response File

The response file can contain one or more of the following Oracle Fail Safe component sections:


To find a value for a variable, Oracle Universal Installer checks the appropriate component section to which the variable belongs. For an installation, all variables are required for the files in which they appear. For a deinstallaion, none of the component section variables are used.

Table B-3 describes the variables in the component section.

Table B-3  Variables for the Component Section for a Silent Mode Installation

Variable Name Value Type


Enter the domain and user name for an account (entered as domain\username) that has Administrator privileges. For example:


This variable appears in response files for Custom and Typical installations.



Enter the password for the account you specified with the DomainUserName variable. For example:


This variable appears in response files for Custom and Typical installations.



Enter the dependent components that you want to install with Oracle Fail Safe. You specify the list of components using an internal name and version number. For example, the value can contain any combination of the following components:


This variable appears in response files for only the Custom installation.



Enter the internal name for only one of the following installation types:

  • The internal name for a Typical installation is Typical.

  • The internal name for a Custom installation is Custom.

  • The internal name for a Client Only installation is install_type_1.

For example: INSTALL_TYPE="install_type_1"

This variable appears in all response files.



Enter the security configuration tool to be started when you install Oracle Services for MSCS. Specify it using the internal name and external name, as follows:


This variable appears in response files only for the Typical installation.
