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Oracle® Access Manager Deployment Guide
10g (

Part Number E10353-01
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8 Upgrading Versus Migrating Data to a Different Deployment

This chapter describes the differences between upgrading and migrating. It includes the following topics:

8.1 About Upgrading to a Later Release of Oracle Access Manager

The term upgrade refers to the process of installing the latest major product release over an earlier product release (whether the earlier release has been patched or not). This is known as an in-place upgrade.

The latest release provides significant enhancements and regulatory compliance over previous releases. For example, each major release provides new features and additional platform support, and may include changes to the schema, data, parameter, or message files.

The Oracle Access Manager Upgrade Guide provides detailed strategies and procedures for upgrading your deployment and ensuring backward compatability with earlier custom plug-ins and AccessGates.

8.2 About Oracle Access Manager Configuration Data Migration

The term migration refers to the process of pushing a copy of Oracle Access Manager configuration data from one deployment to a different deployment. The process of pushing selected data to another deployment is sometimes known as horizontal data migration, because you are copying configuration data changes for a specific release only. For example after installing and configuring Oracle Access Manager for a small audience for testing, you will most likely need to migrate to a larger deployment that is availble to a wider audience.

Oracle Access Manager configuration data refers to product-specific Oracle Access Manager configuration and access policy data. This data is stored in the oblix tree of a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory within each Oracle Access Manager deployment.

Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager is a new application that you can use to automate the process of migrating (pushing a copy) of Oracle Access Manager configuration data from a designated source directory in one deployment to a designated target directory in a different deployment. With Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager, the term environment refers to an LDAP directory that serves a specific Oracle Access Manager deployment. For example, you may want to copy a new password policy (or a fully tested Oracle Access Manager configuration) from your testing deployment to an Oracle Access Manager 10g ( production deployment.

With Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager, you can migrate configuration data only between depoyments of the same Oracle Access Manager release. For example:

Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager migrates only LDAP data, not files. It does this by connecting to the LDAP directory in each deployment. Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager enables you to preview differences between selected data in the source LDAP environment and the target environment before migrating data and to manually update system- or environment-specific settings such as hostnames, IP addresses, and domain names. You may apply changes to customize settings and attributes before, during, or after migration. For more information about the types of data that are supported for migration using Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager, see the Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager Installation and Administration Guide.

To successfully perform Oracle Access Manager configuration data migration using the Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager, you need:

Before data migration, you should preserve any customizations made to Oracle Access Manager stylesheets, JavaScripts, and other setup files. You also need to record any changes that may be required in target deployment host IDs, administrators, and other system configuration settings. This ensures that the target deployment behaves as expected after migrating data. Attention to detail is important. The greater the difference between the source and the target LDAP environments, the more details there are to attend to.

To prepare for Oracle Access Manager configuration data migration

  1. Confirm that both your source and target deployments are operating as expected.

  2. Confirm that the LDAP directories in both the source and target deployments are live and available.

  3. Perform any test that will ensure that the changes in the source deployment are operating as expected.

  4. Create a backup copy of the oblix tree within the source environment LDAP directory using instructions provided by your directory vendor.

  5. Deploy and setup Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager, then add details for the source and target LDAP directory environments and create an association, as described in the Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager Installation and Administration Guide.

The Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager Installation and Administration Guide provides complete details for migrating data, including customized data.