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Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications Data Warehouse Administration Console Guide
Version 7.9.4
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2 Overview of Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse

This chapter provides an overview of the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse and the Data Warehouse Administration Console (DAC). It includes the following topics:

Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Overview

The Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse is a unified data repository for all customer-centric data. The purpose of the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse is to support the analytical requirements of Oracle Business Intelligence Applications.

The Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse includes the following:

Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Architecture

High-level analytical queries, like those commonly used in Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse, scan and analyze large volumes of data using complex formulas. This process can take a long time when querying a transactional database, which impacts overall system performance.

For this reason, the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse was constructed using dimensional modeling techniques to allow for fast access to information required for decision making. The Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse derives its data from operational applications, and uses Informatica's data integration technology to extract, transform, and load data from transactional databases into the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.

Figure 2-1 illustrates how the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse interacts with the other components of Oracle BI Applications.

Figure 2-1 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Architecture

This image is described in the surrounding text.

Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Architecture Components

The Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse architecture comprises the following components:

  • DAC client. A command and control interface for the data warehouse to allow for schema management, and configuration, administration, and monitoring of data warehouse processes. It also enables you to design subject areas and build execution plans.

  • DAC server. Executes the instructions from the DAC client. The DAC server manages data warehouse processes, including loading of the ETL and scheduling execution plans. It dynamically adjusts its actions based on information in the DAC repository. Depending on your business needs, you might incrementally refresh the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse once a day, once a week, once a month, or on another similar schedule.

  • DAC repository. Stores the metadata (semantics of the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse) that represents the data warehouse processes.

  • Informatica Server. Loads and refreshes the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.

  • Informatica Repository Server. Manages the Informatica repository.

  • Informatica Repository. Stores the metadata related to Informatica workflows.

  • Informatica client utilities. Tools that enable you to create and manage the Informatica repository.

About the Data Warehouse Administration Console

The DAC provides a framework for the entire life cycle of data warehouse implementations. It enables you to create, configure, execute, and monitor modular data warehouse applications in a parallel, high-performing environment. For information about the DAC process life cycle, see "About the DAC Process Life Cycle".

The DAC complements the Informatica ETL platform. It provides application-specific capabilities that are not prebuilt into ETL platforms. For example, ETL platforms are not aware of the semantics of the subject areas being populated in the data warehouse nor the method in which they are populated. The DAC provides the following application capabilities at a layer of abstraction above the ETL execution platform:

Important DAC Features

Important DAC features enable you to do the following:

Minimize installation, setup, and configuration time

  • Create a physical data model in the data warehouse

  • Set language, currency, and other settings

  • Design subject areas and build execution plans

Manage metadata driven dependencies and relationships

  • Generate custom ETL execution plans

  • Automate change capture for the Siebel transactional database

  • Capture deleted records

  • Assist in index management

  • Perform dry runs and test runs of execution plans

Provide reporting and monitoring to isolate bottlenecks

  • Perform error monitoring and email alerting

  • Perform structured ETL analysis and reporting

Utilize performance execution techniques

  • Automate full and incremental mode optimization rules

  • Set the level of Informatica session concurrency

  • Load balance across multiple Informatica servers

  • Restart from point of failure

  • Queue execution tasks for performance (See Figure 2-2.)

    The DAC manages the task execution queue based on metadata driven priorities and scores computed at runtime. This combination allows for flexible and optimized execution. Tasks are dynamically assigned a priority based on their number of dependents, number of sources, and average duration.

Figure 2-2 Task Execution Queue

This image is described in the surrounding text.

About Source System Containers

Source system containers hold repository objects that correspond to a specific source system. For information about the different kinds of repository objects, see "About DAC Repository Objects".

You can use the preconfigured source system containers to create your own source system container. You cannot modify objects in the preconfigured source system containers. You must make a copy of a preconfigured container in order to make any changes to it.

For instructions on creating a new source system container or copying an existing container, see "Creating or Copying a Source System Container".

About DAC Repository Objects

All DAC repository objects are associated with a source system container. For more information about source system containers, see "About Source System Containers" and "About Object Ownership in the DAC".

The DAC repository stores application objects in a hierarchical framework that defines a data warehouse application. The DAC enables you to view the repository application objects based on the source system container you specify. The source system container holds the metadata that corresponds to the source system with which you are working.

A data warehouse application comprises the following repository objects:

  • Subject area. A logical grouping of tables related to a particular subject or application context, as well as the tasks that are associated with the tables. Subject areas are assigned to execution plans, which can be scheduled for full or incremental loads. A subject area also includes the tasks required to load the subject area tables.

  • Tables. Physical database tables defined in the database schema. Can be transactional database tables or data warehouse tables. Table types can be fact, dimension, hierarchy, aggregate, and so on, as well as flat files that can be sources or targets.

  • Task. A unit of work for loading one or more tables. A task comprises the following: source and target tables, phase, execution type, truncate properties, and commands for full or incremental loads. When you assemble a subject area, the DAC automatically assigns tasks to it. Tasks that are automatically assigned to the subject area by the DAC are indicated by the Autogenerated flag in the Tasks subtab of the Subject Areas tab.

  • Task Groups. A group of tasks that you define because you want to impose a specific order of execution. A task group is considered to be a "special task."

  • Execution plan. A data transformation plan defined on subject areas that needs to be transformed at certain frequencies of time. An execution plan is defined based on business requirements for when the data warehouse needs to be loaded. An execution plan comprises the following: ordered tasks, indexes, tags, parameters, source system folders, and phases.

  • Schedule. A schedule specifies when and how often an execution plan runs. An execution plan can be scheduled for different frequencies or recurrences by defining multiple schedules.

About the DAC Process Life Cycle

The DAC is used by different user groups to design, execute, monitor, and diagnose execution plans. These phases together make up the DAC process life cycle, as shown in Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3 DAC Process Life Cycle

This image is described in the surrounding text.

The phases of the process and the actions associated with them are as follows:

  • Setup

    • Set up database connections

    • Set up ETL processes (Informatica)

    • Set up email recipients

  • Design

    • Define application objects

    • Design execution plans

  • Execute

    • Define scheduling parameters to run execution plans

    • Access runtime controls to restart or stop currently running schedules

  • Monitor

    • Monitor runtime execution of data warehouse applications

    • Monitor users, DAC repository, and application maintenance jobs