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Oracle® Warehouse Builder Installation and Configuration Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1)

Part Number B12150-02
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4 Deinstalling Warehouse Builder Components

This chapter contains instructions for deinstalling Warehouse Builder components. If you are deinstalling multiple or all components, make sure to follow the order presented in this chapter.

This chapter presents the deinstallation steps in the order that you must follow them:

Step 1. Deinstall Design and Runtime Audit Browsers from Oracle Application Server

You only need to follow these instructions if you integrated the Warehouse Builder Design Browser or the Warehouse Builder Runtime Audit Browser with Oracle Application Server. If you never ran the Warehouse Builder Browser Assistant to install these browsers, then you can skip this portion of the chapter.

If you did not follow the instructions in Chapter2, "(Optional) Integrate with Oracle Application Server" to install these browsers into Oracle Application Server, then you are only running the Design and Runtime Audit Browser clients. The browser clients install and deinstall automatically when you run the Oracle Universal Installer Design Time installation.

To deinstall Warehouse Builder Browser objects from Oracle9iAS:

  1. Launch the Warehouse Builder Browser Assistant.

    For Windows: Select Start, Programs, OWB_HOME, Warehouse Builder, and then select OWB Browser Assistant.

    For UNIX: Start a shell and navigate to: OWB_ORACLE_HOME/owb/bin/unix. For example, type: cd /private/home/OWB92/owb/bin/unix Then run

  2. In the Warehouse Builder Browser Assistant Welcome page, click Next.

  3. In the Choose Operation page, select Deinstall Warehouse Builder Browser Objects.

    Follow the wizard to deinstall the Warehouse Builder Browser objects from your database.

Step 2. Deinstall Warehouse Builder Target Schema Objects

If you plan to drop a Target Schema user, you must first deinstall the Target Schema repository from that user. You can then drop the user in SQL*Plus.


Deinstalling a Target Schema means deinstalling your warehouse objects and the objects that run your warehouse jobs. Oracle recommends that you use Oracle Enterprise Manager rather than Warehouse Builder Runtime Assistant to deinstall your Target Schema objects.

To deinstall Warehouse Builder Target Schema objects:

  1. Start the Warehouse Builder Runtime Assistant.

    For Windows: Select Start, Programs, OWB_HOME, Warehouse Builder, and then select OWB Runtime Assistant.

    For UNIX: Start a shell and navigate to: OWB_ORACLE_HOME/owb/bin/unix. For example, type: cd /private/home/OWB92/owb/bin/unix Then run

  2. In the OWB Runtime Assistant: Welcome page, click Next.

  3. In the Choose Operation page, select Drop Existing Runtime Objects.

    Follow the wizard to deinstall the Warehouse Builder Runtime Repository objects from your database.


The Warehouse Builder Runtime Assistant does not drop user-defined objects from the runtime schema.

Step 3. Deinstall Warehouse Builder Runtime Repository Objects

To deinstall a Runtime Repository user, first run the Warehouse Builder Runtime Assistant to drop the existing Runtime Repository itself, as described in this section. You can then drop the user in SQL*Plus.

To deinstall Warehouse Builder Runtime Objects:

  1. Start the Warehouse Builder Runtime Assistant.

    For Windows: Select Start, Programs, OWB_HOME, Warehouse Builder, and then select OWB Runtime Assistant.

    For UNIX: Start a shell and navigate to: OWB_ORACLE_HOME/owb/bin/unix. For example, type: cd /private/home/OWB92/owb/bin/unix Then run

  2. In the OWB Runtime Assistant: Welcome page, click Next.

  3. In the Choose Operation page, select Drop Existing Runtime Objects.

    Follow the wizard to deinstall the Warehouse Builder Runtime Repository objects from your database.


The Warehouse Builder Runtime Assistant does not drop user-defined objects from the runtime schema.

Step 4. Deinstall Warehouse Builder Design Repository Objects

To deinstall a Warehouse Builder Design Repository:

  1. Start the Warehouse Builder Repository Assistant.

    For Windows: Select Start, Programs, OWB_HOME, Warehouse Builder, and then select OWB Repository Assistant.

    For UNIX: Start a shell and navigate to: OWB_ORACLE_HOME/owb/bin/unix. For example, type: cd /private/home/OWB92/owb/bin/unix Then run

  2. In the OWB Repository Assistant: Welcome page, click Next.

  3. In the Choose Operation page, select Drop Existing Repository Objects.

    Follow the wizard to deinstall the Warehouse Builder Repository objects from your database.

Step 5. Deinstall Oracle Warehouse Builder or Remaining Oracle Software

You must restart the Oracle Universal Installer to deinstall any remaining Warehouse Builder components. If you are deinstalling repositories, make sure to do so before you deinstall the Warehouse Builder Client software.

If you installed Warehouse Builder on an Oracle Database server, make sure you complete the following before deinstalling Oracle software:

Always use the Oracle Universal Installer to remove Warehouse Builder from your computer. If you attempt to remove Warehouse Builder by deleting the directories manually, you can impair the operations of the Oracle Universal Installer.

To deinstall existing Oracle software:

  1. Start Oracle Universal Installer.

  2. On the OUI Welcome page, click Installed Products to obtain an inventory of all Oracle products installed on your system.

  3. Select the existing Oracle products that you want to remove, along with their components and click Remove.

  4. If you have deinstalled Warehouse Builder, and it has left behind the path OWB_HOME\owb\j2ee\owbb, delete the owbb directory.