Definition of the root controller element. Definition of the root controller node. Network definition for the controller. Flag to indicate if secure communication must be used. JMX Remote port. Defines the console mode. Defines the adjudication timeout. Definition of the logging properties. Definition of the audit properties. Definition of the work managers. Determines how often the controller will poll the agent. Determines the number of times the controller will try to connect to the agent before it stops. Definition of the configured agent. LVM SSH config file location. Definition of the notification properties. Defines the agent to shich the controller is configured with. Name of the agent. Description of the agent. Host of the agent. Port. Secure port. Defines the state of the agent. The possible states are Connected, Disconnected and Enabled. Password. Holds the list of agent bindings. Defines all the agent state types. Defines JMX Notification properties. Name. Description. Flag to indicate if JMX notification is enabled. Defines the SNMP Notification properties. Name. Description. Defines the SNMP agent. Defines the trap destinations. Defines if SNMP is enabled. Definition of the SNMP agent. Name. Description. Host. Port. Trap version. The allowable versions are SNMPv1 and SNMPv2. Flag to enable inform. Definition of an SNMP trap destination. Name. Description. Host. Port. Community. Security name. Security level. The allowable types are noAuthNoPriv, authNoPriv and authPriv. Holds a list of trap destinations. Allowable trap version types. Allowable trap destination security level types. Definition of the default SMTP notification properties. Name. Description. A comma seperated list of recepient email addresses. From address. SMTP Server. Defines if SMTP notification is enabled. Definition of the JMS notification properties. Name. Description. Destination JNDI Name. Connection factory JNDI name. JNDI properties for JMS. Defines if JMS notification is enabled. Definition of all the available notification for the controller. Definition of the JMS JNDI properties. Initial factory. Provider URL. Security principal. Password. Definition of the lvmSSHConfig properties. location of the public key file Definition the available console modes.