BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference
complexType jmxType


name?, notes?, runtime-m-bean-server-enabled?, domain-m-bean-server-enabled?, edit-m-bean-server-enabled?, compatibility-m-bean-server-enabled?, management-ejb-enabled?, platform-m-bean-server-enabled?, invocation-timeout-seconds?
Prohibited substitutions (block)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)
Derived types: none
Components using this type: none
Corresponds to JMXMBean

Nested Element Summary
annonymous type derived from stringname optional
          <p>The user-specified name of this MBean instance. 
stringnotes optional
          <p>Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration. 
booleanruntime-m-bean-server-enabled optional
          <p>Specifies whether each server instance in the domain initializes its Runtime MBean Server, which provides access to a server's runtime MBeans and read-only configuration MBeans. 
booleandomain-m-bean-server-enabled optional
          <p>Specifies whether the Administration Server initializes the Domain MBean Server, which provides federated access to all runtime MBeans and read-only configuration MBeans in the domain. 
booleanedit-m-bean-server-enabled optional
          <p>Specifies whether the Administration Server initializes the Edit MBean Server, which contains the hierarchy of MBeans used to make modifications to the domain's configuration. 
booleancompatibility-m-bean-server-enabled optional
          <p>Enables JMX clients to use the deprecated <code>MBeanHome</code> interface. 
booleanmanagement-ejb-enabled optional
          <p>Enables access to the Management EJB (MEJB), which is part of the J2EE Management APIs (JSR-77). 
booleanplatform-m-bean-server-enabled optional
          <p>Causes each WebLogic Server instance to initialize the JDK's platform MBean server and to use the platform MBean server as the Runtime MBean Server. 
annonymous type derived from intinvocation-timeout-seconds optional
          <p>The number of seconds that internal WebLogic Server processes wait to connect to an MBean server, invoke an MBean server method, and return the results of the invocation. 

BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference

Version: 10.0