BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference
element logical-name

Disallowed substitutions (block)
none (extensions, restrictions and substitutions are allowed)
Substitution group exclusion (final)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)
<p>The name used by subsystems to refer to different stores on
 different servers using the same name.</p>

 <p>For example, an EJB that uses the timer service may refer to its
 store using the logical name, and this name may be valid on
 multiple servers in the same cluster, even if each server has a
 store with a different physical name.</p>

 <p>Multiple stores in the same domain or the same cluster may share
 the same logical name. However, a given logical name may not be
 assigned to more than one store on the same server.</p>
 ( Attribute=getLogicalName)
Fundamental Facets
equality, non-numeric, unbounded, unordered, countable infinite value space
White Space Processing
BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference

Version: 10.0