BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference
element realm

auditor*, authentication-provider*, role-mapper*, authorizer*, adjudicator?, credential-mapper*, cert-path-provider*, cert-path-builder?, key-store*, user-lockout-manager?, deploy-role-ignored?, deploy-policy-ignored?, deploy-credential-mapping-ignored?, fully-delegate-authorization?, validate-dd-security-data?, security-dd-model?, combined-role-mapping-enabled?, enable-web-logic-principal-validator-cache?, max-web-logic-principals-in-cache?, name?, delegate-m-bean-authorization?, auth-methods?, compatibility-object-name?
Disallowed substitutions (block)
none (extensions, restrictions and substitutions are allowed)
Substitution group exclusion (final)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)
Content Type
declared by type realmType
element-only content, not nillable.
Returns all the realms in the domain.
 ( Attribute=getRealms)

Nested Element Summary
auditorTypeauditor 0...∞
          Returns the Auditing providers for this security realm (in invocation order). 
authentication-providerTypeauthentication-provider 0...∞
          Returns the Authentication providers for this security realm (in invocation order). 
role-mapperTyperole-mapper 0...∞
          Returns the Role Mapping providers for this security realm (in invocation order). 
authorizerTypeauthorizer 0...∞
          Returns the Authorization providers for this security realm (in invocation order). 
adjudicatorTypeadjudicator optional
          Returns the Adjudication provider for this security realm. 
credential-mapperTypecredential-mapper 0...∞
          Returns the Credential Mapping providers for this security realm (in invocation order). 
cert-path-providerTypecert-path-provider 0...∞
          Returns the Certification Path providers for this security realm (in invocation order). 
stringcert-path-builder optional
key-storeTypekey-store 0...∞
          Returns the KeyStore providers for this security realm (in invocation order). 
user-lockout-managerTypeuser-lockout-manager optional
          Returns the User Lockout Manager for this security realm. 
booleandeploy-role-ignored optional
          Returns whether role deployment calls on the security system are ignored or passed to the configured Role Mapping providers. 
booleandeploy-policy-ignored optional
          Returns whether policy deployment calls on the security system are ignored or passed to the configured Authorization providers. 
booleandeploy-credential-mapping-ignored optional
          Returns whether credential mapping deployment calls on the security system are ignored or passed to the configured Credential Mapping providers. 
booleanfully-delegate-authorization optional
          Returns whether the Web and EJB containers should call the security framework on every access. 
booleanvalidate-dd-security-data optional
          This attribute is not used in the current BEA release. 
annonymous type derived from stringsecurity-dd-model optional
          Specifies the default security model for Web applications or EJBs that are secured by this security realm. 
booleancombined-role-mapping-enabled optional
          Determines how the role mappings in the Enterprise Application, Web application, and EJB containers interact. 
booleanenable-web-logic-principal-validator-cache optional
          Returns whether the WebLogic Principal Validator caching is enabled. 
intmax-web-logic-principals-in-cache optional
          Returns the maximum size of the LRU cache for holding WebLogic Principal signatures. 
stringname optional
          The name of this configuration. 
booleandelegate-m-bean-authorization optional
          Configures the WebLogic Server MBean servers to use the security realm's Authorization providers to determine whether a JMX client has permission to access an MBean attribute or invoke an MBean operation. 
stringauth-methods optional
          Returns a comma separated string of authentication methods that should be used when the Web application specifies "REALM" as its auth-method. 
stringcompatibility-object-name optional

BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference

Version: 10.0