BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference
complexType snmp-agent-deploymentType


name?, notes?, enabled?, send-automatic-traps-enabled?, snmp-port?, snmp-trap-version?, mib-data-refresh-interval?, server-status-check-interval-factor?, community-prefix?, user-defined-mib?, debug-level?, snmp-trap-destination*, snmp-proxy*, snmp-gauge-monitor*, snmp-string-monitor*, snmp-counter-monitor*, snmp-log-filter*, snmp-attribute-change*, community-based-access-enabled?, snmp-engine-id?, authentication-protocol?, privacy-protocol?, inform-retry-interval?, max-inform-retry-count?, localized-key-cache-invalidation-interval?, snmp-access-for-user-m-beans-enabled?, inform-enabled?, master-agent-x-port?, target?, deployment-order?
Prohibited substitutions (block)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)
Derived types: none
Components using this type: none
Corresponds to SNMPAgentDeploymentMBean

Nested Element Summary
annonymous type derived from stringname optional
          <p>The user-specified name of this MBean instance. 
stringnotes optional
          <p>Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration. 
booleanenabled optional
          <p>Specifies whether this SNMP agent is enabled. 
booleansend-automatic-traps-enabled optional
          <p>Specifies whether this SNMP agent sends automatically generated notifications to SNMP managers. 
annonymous type derived from intsnmp-port optional
          <p>The port on which you want this SNMP agent to listen for incoming requests from SNMP managers that use the UDP protocol. 
annonymous type derived from intsnmp-trap-version optional
          <p>The SNMP notification version that this SNMP agent generates. 
annonymous type derived from intmib-data-refresh-interval optional
          <p>The minimum number of seconds that this SNMP agent caches OIDs before checking if new ones have been added to the Management Information Base (MIB). 
annonymous type derived from intserver-status-check-interval-factor optional
          <p>The multiplier used to calculate the interval at which this SNMP agent checks for newly started or shut down server instances. 
annonymous type derived from stringcommunity-prefix optional
          <p>The password (community name) that you want this SNMP agent to use to secure SNMPv1 or v2 communication with SNMP managers. 
annonymous type derived from stringuser-defined-mib optional
          <p>The absolute path of a user-defined intelligent MIB file. 
annonymous type derived from intdebug-level optional
          <p>The minimum severity of debug messages that this SNMP agent generates. 
anyTypesnmp-trap-destination 0...∞
          <p>WebLogic Server uses a trap destination to specify the SNMP management station and the community name used by the SNMP agent to send notifications. 
anyTypesnmp-proxy 0...∞
          <p>The SNMP agents for which this SNMP agent is a proxy. 
anyTypesnmp-gauge-monitor 0...∞
          <p>The <code>SNMPGaugeMonitorMBeans</code> which describe the criteria for generating notifications based on JMX GaugeMonitor. 
anyTypesnmp-string-monitor 0...∞
          <p>The <code>SNMPStringMonitorMBeans</code> which describe the criteria for generating notifications based on JMX StringMonitor. 
anyTypesnmp-counter-monitor 0...∞
          <p>The <code>SNMPCounterMonitorMBeans</code> which describe the criteria for generating notifications based on JMX CounterMonitor. 
anyTypesnmp-log-filter 0...∞
          <p>The <code>SNMPLogFilterMBeans</code> which describe filters for generating notifications based on server log messages. 
anyTypesnmp-attribute-change 0...∞
          <p>The <code>SNMPAttributeChangeMBeans</code> which describe the MBean type and Attribute name for which attribute change notification should be sent when an attribute change is observed. 
booleancommunity-based-access-enabled optional
          <p>Specifies whether this SNMP agent supports SNMPv1 and v2. 
stringsnmp-engine-id optional
          <p>An identifier for this SNMP agent that is unique amongst all other SNMP agents in the current WebLogic Server domain. 
annonymous type derived from stringauthentication-protocol optional
          <p>The protocol that this SNMP agent uses to ensure that only authorized users can request or receive information about your WebLogic Server domain. 
annonymous type derived from stringprivacy-protocol optional
          <p>The protocol that this SNMP agent uses to encrypt and unencrypt messages. 
annonymous type derived from intinform-retry-interval optional
          <p>The number of milliseconds that this SNMP agent will wait for a response to an INFORM notification. 
annonymous type derived from intmax-inform-retry-count optional
          <p>The maximum number of times that this SNMP agent will resend INFORM notifications for which it has not received a response. 
longlocalized-key-cache-invalidation-interval optional
          <p>The number of milliseconds after which WebLogic Server invalidates its cache of SNMP security keys. 
booleansnmp-access-for-user-m-beans-enabled optional
          <p>Configures this SNMP agent to provide read-only access to MBean types that you have created and registered (custom MBeans). 
booleaninform-enabled optional
          <p>Configures this SNMP agent to send notifications as an INFORM instead of a TRAP. 
annonymous type derived from intmaster-agent-x-port optional
          <p>The port that this SNMP agent uses to communicate with its subagents. 
stringtarget optional
annonymous type derived from intdeployment-order optional
          <p>A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. 

BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference

Version: 10.0