BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference
element max-retries

<max-retries>annonymous type derived from long</max-retries>
Disallowed substitutions (block)
none (extensions, restrictions and substitutions are allowed)
Substitution group exclusion (final)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)
<p>The maximum number of times that this remote Tuxedo access point
 tries to establish a session connections to local Tuxedo access
 points. Use only when the ConnectionPolicy value is set to

 <p><i>Note:</i> A value of <tt>-1</tt> indicates that the Max
 Retries value from the local Tuxedo access point is used. Be 
 sure to set the ConnectionPolicy value for the local Tuxedo
 access point to <tt>ON_STARTUP</tt> also.</p>

 <p><b>Range of Values:</b> Between <tt>-1</tt> and a positive
 64-bit integer.</p>

 <li><p>Use <tt>0</tt> to disable the retry mechanism.</li>

 <li>Use the maximum value to try until a connection is
 ( Attribute=getMaxRetries)
Fundamental Facets
equality, numeric, bounded, totaly ordered, countable infinite value space
White Space Processing
Pattern Facet
Digits Facets
fraction digits: 0
BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference

Version: 10.0