Step 5. Exploring Persistence Settings

Time to complete this step: 15 minutes

The persistence.xml file defines the context for JPA persistence. In this step, you will use the JPA Persistence Configuration Editor to explore the persistence.xml file for your JPA web project.

The tasks in this step are:

To Use the JPA Persistence Configuration Editor to View the Persistence Configuration File

The JPA Persistence Configuration Editor provides a graphical interface that allows you to modify connection information, mapped classes, and JPA properties that are managed by your persistence.xml file. Optionally, you can also use the editor to edit the persistence.xml source file.

To View the Connection Properties (Optional)

The Connection tab displays the current connection properties and allows you to modify the existing connection.

To View JPA Mapping Files (Optional)

You can use the Mappings tab to view and modify mapped classes.

To View Configuration Properties (Optional)

In the JPA Configurations Editor, the Properties tab displays the current JPA configuration properties and their values through the form editor.

To Understand Validation and Code Completion (Optional)

The AppXRay provides validation and code completion in the JPA Configurations Editor. When you're editing in the Source tab, you're helped by code completion.

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