Importing Existing Web Applications

The IDE allows you to create web application projects from existing web application directories. This technique is useful for quickly creating template-based web application projects or for allowing the IDE to analyze existing web applications. You can use this with exploded web application archives or with any existing directory-based web applications.

  1. Choose File > New > Dynamic Web Project from Existing Source.
  2. The New Web Project dialog displays.

  3. In the dialog, enter a name for your new project in the Project name field.
  4. Click the Browse... button.
  5. A folder browser displays.

  6. In the folder browser dialog, select the project folder.
  7. The standard web application project structure requires the project folder to contain a WEB-INF folder that contains a valid web.xml file.

    Note: The WEB-INF folder can be located directly in the project folder or in any of its subdirectories.

    The parent folder containing the WEB-INF folder is assumed to be the Web Application Root folder. All JSP pages are expected to be in this Web Application Root folder or in any of its subdirectories.

    If the project folder contains more than one WEB-INF folder, then a Web Application Root Folder dropdown displays, and you can select the application to import.

  8. If your project folder does NOT contain a WEB-INF folder, you will be prompted to specify the location of the files that would normally be located there. Specify the folder mappings, in the same manner that you add mappings to any project.
  9. Click the Next button.
  10. The Java Settings wizard page is displayed.
    Make sure that the computed default values for your Java sources and libraries folders are correct.

  11. Click the Finish button to create the project.
  12. Workshop starts the web application analysis process. Depending on the size of your application, this operation may take a few seconds to a few minutes. Note that this is done only once when the project is created.

Related tasks

Creating a new web application project
Managing Folder Mappings
Manage existing Java projects as web applications


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