Contents for Concepts and Architecture


Service-Oriented IT Trends

Service-Oriented Architecture

Composite Applications and Service Layering

Service Bus Component of SOA

BEA AquaLogic Product Suite

BEA AquaLogic Service Bus

Significance in an SOA Landscape

AquaLogic Service Bus Use Cases

AquaLogic Service Bus and the Service Lifecycle

Role of AquaLogic Service Bus in a Service Cycle

Functional Features and Benefits

Adaptive Service Messaging Layer

Optimized Pluggable Security Layer

Rich Service Composition Layer

Embedded Service Management Layer

Feature Benefits

AquaLogic Service Bus Architecture

Architecture Overview

Key Architecture Concepts

Message Processing

Binding Layer

Transport Layer (Inbound)

Transport Layer (Outbound)

Proxy Services

Message Context

Message-Flow Definitions

AquaLogic Service Bus Core Features

Service Integration

Communication Types

Message Brokering

Conditional Routing

Message Transformation

Service Callouts

Database Lookup from Proxy Services

Native Transport for AquaLogic Data Services Platform

Data Transformation Tools


EJB Transport

Service Security

Message Security Features

Service Composition

Change Center

Test Console

Resource Management

Resource Customization

UDDI Service Registry

Error Handling

Service Management

Service Logging and Monitoring

Custom Operations Console

Service Versioning

Service Level Agreements

AquaLogic Service Bus Deployment

Deployment Topology

Distributed Configurations for Large-Scale Deployments

Development, Staging, and Production Domains

Configuration Metadata Export and Import

Metadata Export

Metadata Import

Scripting Support

Service Integration

Message Brokering


Service Types

Transport Protocols

Service Interfaces

Messaging Models

Message Formats

Message Context

Content Types

AquaLogic Service Bus Resources

Schemas and Data Types

Type System

Transformation Maps



Proxy Services

Proxy Service Providers

Alert Destinations

JNDI Providers

SMTP Servers

AquaLogic Service Bus Security


Service Accounts

Security Levels

Inbound Security

Outbound Security

Options for Identity Propagation

User Management

Administrative Security

Transport-Level Security

Message-Level Security

Custom Security Credentials

Service Configuration

Resource Organization

Project Explorer

Projects and Folders

Resource Cache

Change Management

Change Center


Concurrent Modifications

Tracking Configuration Changes

Tracking Dependencies

Semantic Integrity

Reversing Changes to Resources and Sessions

Undoing Modifications to Resources

Undoing Session Activations

Service Discovery

UDDI Registry

Advantages of a UDDI Registry

Publishing a Proxy Service to a UDDI Registry

Importing a Service from a UDDI Registry

Auto-Synchronization of Services With UDDI

Service Composition

Dynamic Content-Based Routing

Business Services and Proxy Services

Proxy Services

Business Services

Proxy Templates

Message Flow Modeling

Message Pipelines

Operational Pipelines

Branch Nodes

Route Nodes

Pipeline Pairs

Pipeline Execution Stages and Actions

Operational Branching

Service Callouts


Transformation Maps

Message Manipulation

Error Handling

Message Validation

Error Handling Pipeline

Service Management

Service Monitoring


Metric Aggregation

SLA Enforcement via Alerts

Message Reporting