Contents for Operations Guide


Roles in ALSB

Default Roles in ALSB





Relation Between Roles in WLS and Roles in ALSB

How to Create Roles in ALSB

Monitoring ALSB at Run Time

What is Service Monitoring?

About the ALSB Monitoring Framework

Aggregation Intervals

The Refresh Rate of Monitoring Data

Sample Intervals Within Aggregation Intervals

How to Set the Aggregation Interval for Monitoring Data

What are the Consequences Of Changing Aggregation Interval Of A Service?

What are the Consequences Of Renaming Or Moving A Service?

What Statistics are Available for ALSB Services?

Accessing Statistical Information for Services

How to Access Service Statistics from the ALSB Console

How to Access Statistical Information Using the JMX Monitoring APIs

How to Access Statistics in a Cluster

How to Reset Statistics

What are the Consequences of Resetting the Statistics?

The Role of Alerts in Service Monitoring

Assigning Severity for Alerts

What are SLA Alerts?

A Sample Use Case for SLA Alerts

What are Pipeline Alerts?

A Sample Use Case for Pipeline Alerts

How to View or Delete SLA Alerts

How to View or Delete Pipeline Alerts

How to Filter a Search for Specific Alerts

How to Filter a Search for SLA Alerts

How to Filter a Search for Pipeline Alerts

What are Alert Destinations?


SNMP Traps



What are Operational Settings for a Service?

How to Configure the Operational Settings for a Service

How to Configure the Operational Settings at the Global Level

Updates to Operational Settings During Import of ALSB Configurations

Updates to Global Settings During the Import of ALSB Configurations

How to Preserve Operational Settings During the Import of ALSB Configuration Through APIs

SLA Alerting Functionality in ALSB

How to Configure SLA Alert rules

How to Lookup or Edit Existing Alert Rules

How to Rename Alert rules

What are the Consequences of Renaming an Alert Rule?

What Happens to Alert Rules When You Import ALSB Configurations?

The ALSB Dashboard

How to Access Service Statistics for the Current Aggregation Interval

How to Access Running Count Statistics for Services

Service Metrics


Flow Components

Endpoint URIs

Viewing SLA Alerts in the Dashboard

Viewing the Alert History for SLA Alerts

Viewing Pipeline Alerts in the Dashboard

Viewing the Alert History for Pipeline Alerts

Viewing Server Health in the Dashboard

Viewing Log Summary

Viewing Server Summary

Viewing Server Details

Managing Operational Settings Using Smart Search

Using Basic Search

Using Advanced Search

Finding Services Using Search Filters

Viewing and Editing Operational Settings

Managing Operational Settings for Proxy Services

Finding Proxy Services Using Search Filters

Viewing and Editing Operational Settings

Managing Operational Settings for Business Services

Finding Business Services Using Search Filters

Viewing and Editing Operational Settings

Managing Operational Settings for Alert Destinations

Finding Alert Destinations using Search Filters

Viewing and Deleting Alert Destinations

Managing Operational Settings for SLA Alert Rules

Finding SLA Alert Rules Using Search Filters

Viewing and Configuring SLA Alert Rules


About the ALSB Reporting Framework

About the JMS Reporting Provider

How to Enable Message Reporting

How to Stop a Reporting Provider

How to Untarget a JMS Reporting Provider

How to Untarget the JMS Reporting Provider when the Server is Running

How to Untarget the JMS Reporting Provider When Server Not Running

Using the Reporting Module in the ALSB Console

Viewing the Summary of Message Reports

Viewing Message Details

How to Purge Messages from the Reporting Data Store

How to Configure a Database for the JMS Reporting Provider Store

How to Configure a Database in a Development Environment

How to Configure a Database for Production


How to Enable or Disable Tracing

How to Access Tracing Information

Managing Endpoint URIs for Business Services

How to Configure a Business Service to Perform Retries

How to Suppress Retries in Case of Application Errors

How to Mark a Non-Responsive URI Offline

How to Mark an Endpoint URI Offline Temporarily

How to Mark an Endpoint URI Offline Permanently

Metrics for Monitoring Endpoint URIs

Endpoint URI Status

Endpoint URI Performance Metrics

How to Mark an Offline URI as Online

How to Generate Alerts Based on Endpoint URI Status

How to Configure an Alert Rule Based on Endpoint URI Status

Throttling in ALSB

How to Enable Throttling

What are the Operational Settings for Throttling?

What Metrics are Available for Throttling ?

How to Access Throttling Metrics

How to use Throttling Metrics for Alerting

How to use Throttling for Business Services with Multiple Endpoint URIs

What Happens to Retried Messages During Throttling?

User Preferences

SNMP Components

Managed Resource

Management Information Base

SNMP Agent

SNMP Manager

Network Management System (NMS)

Monitoring Statistics in ALSB

Auditing your ALSB System

Auditing the Configuration Changes

Creating an Audit Trail for a Message Flow

Auditing Security Violations