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The Valueset validation API is used to validate values in keyedReferences involved in save operations that reference checked taxonomies. Valueset validation is defined in the UDDI version 3 specification. Every checked taxonomy requires a Web service that implements this API. The API is defined by the tModel for UDDI version 3, for UDDI version 2 and for UDDI version 1.

BEA AquaLogic Service Registry is built according to the UDDI technical note Providing A Value Set For Use In UDDI Version 3. To function correctly, checked taxonomies must be categorized with uddi-org:validatedBy taxonomy pointing to the bindingTemplate with the valueset validation Web service accessPoint. This Web service is called whenever the checked taxonomy occurs within a keyedReference during a save operation.

If the Web service is accessible by BEA AquaLogic Service Registry's classloader, the validation Web service does not need to be invoked over SOAP, but it may run inside the registry's Java Virtual Machine.

The accessPoint value must be in a special form: It must start with the class: prefix and continue with fully qualified class name. For example, the internal validation service endpoint is defined as follows: class:com.systinet.uddi.publishing.v3.validation.service.AclValidator.

For more information, consult the UDDI version 3 specification, section 5.6 .

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