Favorite Taxonomies

Hundreds of taxonomies are included in the default data installed with the registry. When categorizing and identifying records, most users will only need to use at most a few dozen of these.

To facilitate taxonomy searching and browsing it is a good idea to specify a limited set of those taxonomies you are most likely to work with. Once this set is established, a favorite taxonomies item will appear whenever you need to select sets of taxonomies before searching or browsing.

To Edit Favorite Taxonomies

  1. After logging in, click the Profile tab.

  2. Click the Favorite taxonomies menu item.

  3. Filter the Taxonomy List.

    1. In the edit box next to the filter, enter the filter string. The tail end of the string is considered wild. This string can contain the "%" wild card at the beginning and within to create flexible search terms. For example "%x%l" will return taxonomies whose names include the strings "xml" and "xsl".

      Leaving this control blank or with the "%" character only, will return all visible taxonomy names.

    2. Click the Filter button. The Taxonomy List will be populated based on the filter criteria.

  4. Select one or more taxonomies to be added to the Favorite Taxonomies list.

    • To select taxonomies individually check the box to the left of their names.

    • To select al taxonomies click the Select all button.

    • To clear the selection click the Select none button.

  5. Click the right arrow to send selected taxonomies to the Favorite Taxonomies list. This list will be updated to show the newly selected taxonomies.

  6. Click the Save button at the bottom of the control. The Favorite Taxonomies list is written to your account. From now on they will be included in the browse and search taxonomy controls.