Adding a Discovery URL

Businesses can have a Discovery URLs container. A Discovery URL is a URL adorned with a use type string. A Discovery URL can point to a "homepage" for the business, an XSD Schema that describes the business, or to another type of file describing the business or its services.

To Add a Discovery URL...

  1. Navigate to the Discovery URLs tab.

    1. After logging in click the Publish tab.

    2. Click the Publish link in the menu.

    3. In the left hand navigation panel, locate the Business to which you wish to add a Discovery URL. Its node is identified by its default name. Clicking the node loads the Edit business page.

    4. On the right side of the page, click the Discovery URLs tab. It is the second one from the bottom.

  2. In the Edit business page, click the Add discovery URL button. The button will be replaced with a new row in the Discovery URLs table.

  3. Enter an new Discovery URL in the Discovery URL edit field.

  4. Enter a Use Type to which this URL corresponds.

  5. Click the green update check icon. The Discovery URL is added to the Discovery URLs table and the Add discovery URL button reappears.

  6. Click the Save changes button at the bottom of the page. The new Discovery URL is written to the Registry.