Publishing a Service

In the registry, Services generally describe what a Web service application is and where you can bind to it. Services are provided by Businesses which guarantee their conformance and stability.

Before you can publish a Service you need to have a registered account. You must also be logged in on that account. Finally you will need to have already published a Provider (Business Entity) under which the Service will be added.

To Publish a Service...

  1. Navigate to the Provider's Services tab. This means:

    1. Once you have logged in, the Publish tab will be loaded. Click the Publish item in the menu at the top of the page.

    2. In the tree to the left, expand the Businesses node. Then, click on the child Business Node the name of which matches that of your Provider (Business).

    3. In the Edit Business page that loads click the Services tab to the right. This brings the Services control to the fore.

  2. Click the Add service button.

  3. Minimally a Service needs a meaningful name. Enter the name for this Service in the Name edit box.

    You can also add a meaningful description for the Service and set the default language in which the description will make sense. If the registry administrator provided you with a globally unique identifier key for your Service, enter it in the Service Key edit box. If you have no such key, leave this control empty. A key will be generated.

  4. Click the Add service button at the bottom of the page.

  5. The Edit Service page will load. Your service has been successfully added to the registry.