Profile Types

For groups of users who have similar needs and responsibilities with Registry, profiles provide a convenient way to aggregate common functions. Users may choose the profile that best meets their needs, and the profiles themselves can be reconfigured by the Administrator.

Default Profiles

BEA AquaLogic Service Registry 3.0 comes with six generic profile types predefined.

  • Anonymous User A vanilla type that lets users access the registry without logging in. An Anonymous User may search the registry and view some reports. Record views default to their common form when retrieved.

  • Business A type designed for managers and general business users. These users can access personal account and profile data, search the registry, and view selected reports. Record views default to a business format wherever appropriate.

  • Developer This type is designated for developers who need to work with registry records and the services and resources that they represent. Using the Catalog tab, Developers can modify their personal profiles, publish to, browse and search through the Registry. Views for most record types default to a technical presentation wherever appropriate.

  • Architect This type is reserved for systems designers and integrators who are not necessarily developers but who may be in charge of a development team. Like developers access to publishing, searching and browsing tools is made available through the Catalog tab which will be the first tab visible upon logging in. Record views typically default to a technical view wherever available.

  • Operator This general type is reserved for users who need to keep track of special reports and other abstract information made available through the registry. They have access to their personal account information and may access the registry through the Catalog or view standard reports. The Reports tab will be the first one viewed after logging in. Views will default to the Operation format wherever available.